10 Months!

       I've been working a month, and on top of that I am the newsletter editor for Junior League, painting murals and furniture for friends, and ya know doing the whole mom thing so this poor little blog and all the awesome tutorials I had planned in the line up are having to take a back seat. Things should be calming down a little after the holidays...so I can catch up and get back to making this place pretty.

Notice the transition to the use of props...I can barely keep this kid still. 10 months has come and gone, and we are gearing up for Abram's 1st birthday party and 1 year pictures. Really!? I cannot believe this is already happening! 


First "family" LSU weekend

Health: Abram still has a cough and congestion, so a doctor's appointment has been made. (this post is a month late, so more to come on this...)
We finally get sleep!
       Abram started daycare 2 days after he turned 9 months, and they only give ONE major nap. They sometimes give him a second nap if he is acting tired, but I think all the distraction over there helps him to hang all day. AND they don't give him a pacifier or blanket....crazy! As soon as he gets home, he is ready for a bottle and bed. I feel like I never see him, but I know it is just a phase. He typically sleeps from 6/7 pm to 6/7 am...or later on weekends. It is just insane to us that we finally have a sleeper. It feels AMAZING! knock.on.wood.....
Abram's 1st day of school
       Abram's schedule changed when he started daycare, but he didn't mind. He gets 4 bottles a day, and eats breakfast, lunch, and 2 snacks (am and pm) at daycare. He apparently eats table food like a champ and we constantly get comments on how much he loves food. If you know us you are prob. not surprised by this... I still restrict his food a little (no milk, eggs, nuts, or shell fish), but I had to loosen up when he started daycare or I would have a heart attack. I'm sure they still think I'm obsessive when I don't let him eat cookies and other processed junk, but they are at least nice about it.

       He mostly crawls like a normal kid now, but will crawl on his feet when he crawls on a rough surface or his shins are red. He pulls up and walks around furniture. We have seen him let go to stand, but he is just not balanced or brave enough yet.

       Abram loves crawling, standing, chewing on anything, banging anything, screaming dada when he is excited, pizza, pacifiers, naps, music, dancing, baths, his mom and dad, his bear, walks in the stroller, remotes, shoes, and dog toys.

       He hates being held down on his back, sitting still, getting his face wiped, getting licked by Bijou, and staying up late.

       This month he started daycare and I started my job, we went to Louisiana for an LSU game while Abram spent the day with Beebee and Baba, Abram got his 8th and 9th teeth, we celebrated his friend's 1st birthday, he had his first lazy-Sunday milkshake with us in a small town nearby, and we went for a bike ride for the first time.



11 Months!


9 Months!