Happy Thanksgiving Pumpkin

For my first Gluten-Free Thanksgiving, I realized that there would be no pumpkin pie for me unless I take matters into my own hands.

I once read that pumpkin pie doesn't have to look good, just taste good. I am living by that philosophy...I found ingredients for a Gluten-Free crust and the Libby's can recipe for the filling is gluten-free. Making the crust was easier than I thought, except for the filling spilling on the edges and burning a little. The pie tasted just like I remember them tasting at Thanksgiving so I was pretty proud of myself. (The recipe for the dough is below...but this cannot be done last minute as it has to be put in the fridge over night-from glutenfreegirl.blogspot.com)

I made more dough for a second pie tonight. Hopefully this one looks a little better. I will be taking this pie to Lafayette, where we will be having Thanksgiving at Matt's parents. We have Thanksgiving thursday, a get-together dinner Friday with some friends, and brunch on Sunday with the besties. I plan on packing on the pounds haha... I am trying to make this feel as close to an Oklahoma Thanksgiving with the family as possible. Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

Gluten-Free Pumpkin Pie Dough- Glutenfreegirl.blogspot.com

1 cup white rice flour
1/2 cup sorghum flour
1/2 cup potato starch
3 tablespoons sweet rice flour (I cannot find, so I omit it :))
3 teaspoons sugar
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon strong cinnamon (I use Saigon cinnamon from World Spice Merchants)
8 tablespooons (or, one stick) cold butter
1 large egg
2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
1/4 ice-cold water, or enough to make the dough stick together

Mix together all the dry ingredients, including the sugar and cinnamon. Cut the butter into little pieces, about 1/2-inch thick and drop the pieces into the dry ingredients. Using a pastry cutter or fork, meld the butter into the dry ingredients until the butter has crumbled into pea-sized pieces.

Make a well in the dry ingredients. Drop the egg and apple cider vinegar in, then stir them in, gently, with a fork, stirring from the center out. Once they are incorporated into the dry ingredients, slowly drizzle the ice-cold water into the mixture, a little at a time, then stirring to see if it has become dough yet. You do not want this dough to be too wet. Add water only until it all coheres together.

At this point, drop the ball of dough onto a large piece of parchment paper. (Prepare this ahead, unless you want to wipe dough off the box of parchment paper later!) Place another piece of parchment paper, the same size, on top of the dough. Gently, smoosh the dough outward, equally in all directions, until it is a thick, round cake of dough, about the size of a pie plate.

Refrigerate the ball of dough, for as long as you can stand. Ideally, you would prepare the dough in the evening and refrigerate overnight. Take the dough out of the refrigerator at least twenty minutes before you want to work with it.

Leave the dough in the parchment-paper sandwich and roll it out. By rolling it, gently, between the pieces of parchment paper, you will not need to add more flour to the mix. Roll it out as thin as you can, then strip the top piece of parchment paper off the dough. Gently, lay your favorite pie plate on top of the dough, then flip the whole thing over. The dough should sag into the pie plate. You can crimp the edges at this point. If some of the dough falls off the sides, don't worry. Simply re-attach the pieces to the crust-to-be by pressing in with your fingers.

You can pre-bake the pie crust, if you like. With this pumpkin pie, however, I just pour the pumpkin filling directly in and bake it immediately. It works well.

Oh, and for the filling? Just the recipe off the Libby's pumpkin puree can. It works every time.


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