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The Current Artist of my Eye

I love finding Etsy artists to become obsessed with. I always stalk take a look at their shops and blogs and ponder whether or not I should purchase ANOTHER piece of artwork for my home.

I have been trying to discover my own painting style, and when thinking about what I have always enjoyed painting, I recently realized that it is NOT what I am painting right now. I love painting loose and messy, so I am trying to finish my current commitments before I start my new paintings that will hopefully work out.

One inspiration could definitely be this girl...I am not a people painter, so I really admire those artists who can paint people so beautifully. I absolutely LOVE the colors, blending, and organic feel of Bella and Bunny's prints.

I also noticed that she is currently having a sale...hmmmm....mom after seeing all of my stuff this month what do you think? I am particularly in love with the dream catcher print...wouldn't it be cool over a little girl's bed (in reference to the old dream catchers from back in the day)...I know I have no kids yet, but I am a planner ;)!

Everyone feel free to leave me a comment or e-mail me giving me permission to buy this print! Oh, and to get the sale items, look for the thumbnails at the of her shop that say 20% off; you have to purchase that and tell her the print you want to get the sale.

Happy Etsying!

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The Big Chicken...adding some humor to your day

So, I think it is time you all know how much I am obsessed with weird(quirky) stuff...I just call it, "appreciating humor in objects". This has been a known fact to the people who are closest to me, and became a little more obvious when I bought a bike necklace from Forever 21 because it was a good conversation piece...which then led into a strangely, cool guy and I going into a duet of Queen's "Bicycle", at Festival International.

 I ALWAYS tell Matt that when I get a J-O-B I am buying a Gnome to put in our garden...take that HOA! Everytime we go to Garden Ridge, we must always stop in the "gnome section" so I can pick my favorite (hint for the next gift you need to get me). I don't like the creepy skinny ones, I like chubby.

Anyway, HEB has had these odd metal roosters/chickens lately and every time we pass it Matt looks at me, as if to silently imply that I am not getting one of those. Well if it was a pig, there would be no stopping me ;).

When looking for Gable every day, I get a bit down so I now follow it up with a short gazing session on pinterest...my new FAVORITE inspiration website, even though they won't send me an invite. When I saw a picture of a HUGE chicken staring at a door, I had to know more.

It is from a blog...http://thebloggess.com/2011/06/and-thats-why-you-should-learn-to-pick-your-battles/

I suggest you go there and read this blog...especially if you are having a bad day! She seems HILARIOUS! I would love to find a friend like that here haha. I have only read that one blog article so far, but I have a feeling I will be visiting it frequently if humor like this is there. She does use some "language", but I am a big girl so I think I can handle it! ;)


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5 Free Tiny Prints Cards

I love Tiny Prints (sorry susie)...I just really like the birth announcements I have received from them...and you can order a single card from them and save Susie the hassle haha. Anyway right now you can get 5 cards free...I just did it. I copied the instructions from another blog...here you go:

Head over to TinyPrints and create and add five cards to your cart. Choose to have the cards shipped to you and use coupon code OKL5CARDSFREE . They will ship free as well.
This may not last long, so make yours now!  This could expire at any time.
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Shabby Apple

So, I know I haven't posted in a LONG time. I promise that beginning in May I will have interesting stuff to share with you. I haven't had a completely boring life since January (The family reunion thing, Mardi Gras, Tyler Morgan's Lafeyette B-day, etc), but I have just been very busy with painting, house stuff and school. Plus, I have been VERY bad about taking pics lately. Here is a website I am in the process of finishing to start applying for jobs...yes finally you can see some of what has kept me busy for eight years! My Website

I hesitated to post this for my own selfish (I don't want you to win over me) reasons. A blog I follow, called grosgrain is having a swimsuit giveaway from Shabby Apple (a store I recently discovered and LOVE). Their dresses are sorta europian/retro and I cannot wait to start making money to buy some considering they are reasonably priced. Their swimsuits are all one pieces which I have not been brave enough to try, but are super cute. So many of my friends are having babies these days and buying one pieces to hide their pregnant/post-pregnant bellies, so I have a new appreciation for the one piece. Here is the link for the giveaway...it's worth a shot! Shabby Apple Amalfi Coast Swimsuit Giveaway
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