7 Months

Total weight gain this month: +28 pounds

Maternity clothes? Almost all maternity, stretchy skirts, and dresses. I could wear maxi skirts every day.
Stretch marks? Fingers crossed, none yet
Sleep: I am starting to get pretty uncomfortable. I am also sleepy ALL.THE.TIME. Nothing will pull me out of it.
Best moment this month: Going to the beach was by far my favorite thing, but going to the zoo and pool are close seconds. I just love introducing Abram to new things.
Miss Anything? Exercise, wearing the clothes in my closet, and a fruity summer drink, eating dinner...oh and energy!
Movement: This girl must love to stretch because I feel her pushing in two directions every day and I'm not loving it.
Food cravings: Chocolate milk and cupcakes
Anything making you queasy or sick:  I have been nauseous on and off every day starting at 31 weeks, but mainly it's just heartburn times 1,000...I can barely eat dinner
Have you started to show yet: I think I'm bigger than I was last time at this point
Gender prediction: IT'S A GIRL!!!
Labor Signs: Braxton hicks are going strong this pregnancy
Belly Button in or out?  It stayed flat last time...this time it is holding on for dear life, but I'm afraid it won't make it another 8 weeks
Wedding rings on or off?  On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Both. Not having energy always puts me in a foul mood. I do get to laugh at Abram every day which is such a blessing.

Looking forward to:  Finishing the projects, our birthdays, and the 4th

We celebrated our Anniversary last weekend by heading out to a steak place Matt had been wanting to try. My dad watched Abram and could not get him to come inside the entire night. They explored and watched some birds dive bomb a cat which fascinated Abram. Finally they came in and Abram passed out on his knees, leaning on a chair, talking to Bijou. He literally did not move when we took him to bed...success.

I got to get a little pampering at the hair salon, Saturday morning while Matt watched Abram and cleaned. Then we worked on the nursery.

Sunday we headed to the zoo. I was determined to take Abram this year because he is laughing animals and their noises right now. He has the Land of Nod animal pillow and every night we point to the animals and make their noise. I knew it would only get hotter so we wrangled my dad and some friends to join us and headed out there. Abram never tucked his pointer finger in his hand...I'm pretty sure it lost blood flow by the end. He was amazed, and I could see his wheels turning that these were REAL animals and not just a character in a book. He loves monkeys so he kept making the noises when we saw any type of "monkey". Second favorites were the elephants and sea lions. Have a great weekend!



Land of the Free | Outfit to Room


Father's Day Weekend & Nursery Update