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Introducing Julip Pearl

So much has changed since my last post. I took my 36 week picture at my baby shower and hit 37 weeks the following Wednesday. That day consisted of trying to finish nursery projects, organizing our house after the carpet installation moved EVERYTHING around, and making returns with Matt my chauffeur because I couldn't drive. At dinner that night I mentioned to Matt how strange I had been feeling all day, but we brushed it off as a long day in the summer, while being 37 weeks pregnant.

The couple of nights before I had not been sleeping well and would stay up until 2, but that night I forced myself to go to bed around 10. I woke up at 1 am with some cramping and woke Matt up to tell him it felt very similar to a contraction, but when another didn't come for a long time I told him it probably wasn't and to go to sleep. Of course my mind was racing with "what if's" so I began googling and diagnosed myself with pre-labor contractions that can last weeks. 

The next day I would definitely need to pack my hospital bag and get the most important stuff done; just in case. Well those thoughts started to change when the pains continued to keep me awake.  I took the advice of the internet, at 3 am, and tried distracting myself by windexing the glass of a picture frame I had painted for the nursery that day. I could barely stand or walk, and after 5 minutes I gave up and slowly moved myself to the bedroom to tell Matt something was wrong.

"Matt, I was windexing and I can barely stand", was about how I said it. 

"Why were you windexing at 3 am!?"

He continued to brush me off and told me it was way too early and even if it was labor it would be a long time until I had the baby. He realized, at 4 am, that we may need to start timing the contractions, but they were 10 minutes apart and were only lasting 30-40 seconds. That is not what the books say is "go time". By 4:15 they had gotten stronger and closer, though they were still short, we decided we should figure out what needed to be in a hospital bag. I think we had only gotten the cameras, chargers, chapstick, and hard candies {I have weird priorities} packed before we decided we needed to call my parents to watch Abram so we could leave.

At 5 am I could no longer stand it and knew we needed to leave NOW. We left with my parents close by and pulled out of the neighborhood; tires screeching. Ya, I got the movie moment I had been wanting. I kept thinking that they would tell me I am a wimp and send me home. Matt pulled up to the hospital, grabbed a wheelchair and wheeled me to the waiting room to be taken up. By the time I got to labor and delivery they could see it in my eyes that the baby was coming and quickly moved my name from a "monitoring" room to a "delivery" room. 

I fell onto the bed where they started hooking everything up like a slightly panicked, well oiled machine; then told me I was 9 cm and the only thing holding back the baby was that my water hadn't broken. They called my doctor and told me not to push. Then they asked me a billion questions while I screamed, breathed, and demanded drugs that I could no longer get. I professed that I no longer wanted a movie moment, and may have cursed my daughter for going against my plans... jokingly {maybe}. I have a feeling she will always be the leader in her life. 
At 5:30 am my super doc ran into the room, threw on his gloves and hat, and I began to push. Julip made her debut 20 days early, on July 31st, at 5:46 am; after 10 minutes of pushing. We all breathed a huge sigh of relief when it was over. My doctor thanked me for letting him put on his hat and apologized for asking the nurse if he had time to take a shower before driving to the hospital. Apparently I was almost that woman who delivers in her car.

Julip was perfect. She weighed 6 lbs. 12 oz. and was 19 inches long. She scored a 9 on her APGAR {like her brother} even though she was almost 3 weeks early. I guess she wanted a July birthday like her parents.

She has dark brown hair that covers her head, forehead, and has some on her shoulders. She looks much more Persian than Abram did. She has dark eyes that are a greyish-brown we think. Her chin is pointier than Abram's and her face is heart-shaped. She has our heart lips, but they are not as pronounced as her brothers were. She has some pretty little eye lashes, my ears, a nose that looks Persian, and a long, skinny body. Her legs are long and thin, much like her feet. She constantly sticks out her tongue and sucks on her hands.

Her going home outfit Aunt Kiki picked out since it was still on my "to do" list
We are now one week in and her brother is in love; sometimes a little too in love. He always wants to know where she is and rubs her head, gives her kisses, wants to put on her hat, and tries to give her the pacifier...after he has stuck it in his ear. She loves to sleep during the day and party at night, and eats like a champ. When I had Abram I had finished the nursery by 34 weeks and packed my bags by 36; then we waited and waited. This time around I was much more relaxed about time and was caught completely off guard...I promise to post the nursery as soon as it is finished. Keep us in your prayers that she has a better tummy than her brother, and you can throw in a prayer for her to sleep long stretches at night ;). 


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8 Months

I have officially hit 8 months {I'm actually 37 weeks now} and crossed the threshold into pure discomfort. I've also kicked nesting into overdrive now that I am home all day. I'm not sure why the arrival of a new human in your family makes you want to purge through all of the "things" you thought were important in the past. Our garage is full of goodwill/habitat donation items. 

If you follow me on instagram, you may have noticed that we got new carpet this past weekend too. We really wanted wood flooring in the Master and stairs, but the quotes we got were way over the cost of just replacing the carpet in all bedrooms, gameroom, and stairs. Finally, after 6 years in this house we have comfy, non-stained carpet. We have thoroughly enjoyed rolling around our bedroom floors every night.

Our bedroom; sans carpet

The dizziness is still going strong and my anemia is being tended to; trying to get my levels up. My feet are the size of melons and Abram thinks my belly is a mountain that he must climb and conquer every day. It hurts. He has also taken to Matt and become quite attached lately. It hurts my feelings so bad, but I tell myself that it will be a good thing when the newest member arrives and needs me. It wouldn't sting as much if he wouldn't call him Momma :/...we have been working on this issue. 

Total weight gain this month: +32 pounds
Maternity clothes? I am so ready to be in my normal clothes again, but am terrified that this time around the weight won't come offas easy as it did last time.
Stretch marks? None yet. I'm using Burt's Bees Belly Butter every morning
Sleep: I toss and turn all night long and feel very anxious. I'm so sleepy, but most nights I am so uncomfortable I cannot wait to get up in the morning.
Best moment this month: Celebrating our birthdays, the 4th, swimming with my boys, and seeing our little girl one last time before we get to meet her!
Miss Anything? Sushi, drinks, exercise, and my clothes
Movement: She is quite the mover and shaker {I imagine}. I turned down ice cream the other night and was promptly elbowed in my side. This girl knows how to throw an elbow btw...
Food cravings: Chocolate milk. I eat a lot of sweets and am really wanting to scale back and eat healthy for the next two weeks.
Anything making you queasy or sick:  I get nauseous with my dizziness sometimes and when she moves too much.
Have you started to show yet: I am sicking way out there.
Gender prediction: IT'S A GIRL!!!
Labor Signs: Just some braxton hicks. I start getting checked for progress next week!
Belly Button in or out?  Poor thing.
Wedding rings on or off?  On
Happy or Moody most of the time:  Tired

Looking forward to:  Finishing the nursery, home organization, and mirrors. Maybe resting for a week and then meeting our girl! {I accidentally called her "he" at my appointment Monday}.

A friend from Junior League through me a sweet Sprinkle Tea. It was the perfect way to celebrate our baby girl! In a pregnancy that has been flying by, this sprinkle made me stop and take everything in. I got to catch up with the girls, eat some amazing food, and baby "Pixie" got headbands made for her by everyone that was there. There were even gluten-free cupcakes that I may or may not have taken home and eaten one every day since. Yikes...

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Maternity Session for Baby #2

Around 32 weeks we finally got around to taking maternity photos. These have a much different feel than the photos we took in the country last time. I'm not sure which I like better, but let me just say I am so over taking maternity photos in the heat of the summer! The next baby will be a winter baby! 

Last pregnancy we gave ourselves 3 chances to get some good shots since we do them ourselves. This time was a one-and-done situation. We brought my mom to help us with the little man, and to take a few pics of us together. Abram was D-O-N-E after about 5 minutes so the majority of the time my mom chased him around while Matt took pics of me and "Pixie". We had so many cute family, couple, and mommy and two kids photos planned that we didn't get to do, but I am just happy I was able to capture the pregnancy with my beautiful girl!

 Trains kept passing which freaked me out, but Abram loved it

Making the best of a difficult toddler

I swear I blinked and went from seeing two lines to sitting here typing this post. Although I am getting SOOO uncomfortable that I am beyond ready to feel myself again; I am trying to take in what is left of this pregnancy. It really is such an incredible journey and before we know it she will be in our arms and growing up entirely too fast.


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7 Months

Total weight gain this month: +28 pounds

Maternity clothes? Almost all maternity, stretchy skirts, and dresses. I could wear maxi skirts every day.
Stretch marks? Fingers crossed, none yet
Sleep: I am starting to get pretty uncomfortable. I am also sleepy ALL.THE.TIME. Nothing will pull me out of it.
Best moment this month: Going to the beach was by far my favorite thing, but going to the zoo and pool are close seconds. I just love introducing Abram to new things.
Miss Anything? Exercise, wearing the clothes in my closet, and a fruity summer drink, eating dinner...oh and energy!
Movement: This girl must love to stretch because I feel her pushing in two directions every day and I'm not loving it.
Food cravings: Chocolate milk and cupcakes
Anything making you queasy or sick:  I have been nauseous on and off every day starting at 31 weeks, but mainly it's just heartburn times 1,000...I can barely eat dinner
Have you started to show yet: I think I'm bigger than I was last time at this point
Gender prediction: IT'S A GIRL!!!
Labor Signs: Braxton hicks are going strong this pregnancy
Belly Button in or out?  It stayed flat last time...this time it is holding on for dear life, but I'm afraid it won't make it another 8 weeks
Wedding rings on or off?  On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Both. Not having energy always puts me in a foul mood. I do get to laugh at Abram every day which is such a blessing.

Looking forward to:  Finishing the projects, our birthdays, and the 4th

We celebrated our Anniversary last weekend by heading out to a steak place Matt had been wanting to try. My dad watched Abram and could not get him to come inside the entire night. They explored and watched some birds dive bomb a cat which fascinated Abram. Finally they came in and Abram passed out on his knees, leaning on a chair, talking to Bijou. He literally did not move when we took him to bed...success.

I got to get a little pampering at the hair salon, Saturday morning while Matt watched Abram and cleaned. Then we worked on the nursery.

Sunday we headed to the zoo. I was determined to take Abram this year because he is laughing animals and their noises right now. He has the Land of Nod animal pillow and every night we point to the animals and make their noise. I knew it would only get hotter so we wrangled my dad and some friends to join us and headed out there. Abram never tucked his pointer finger in his hand...I'm pretty sure it lost blood flow by the end. He was amazed, and I could see his wheels turning that these were REAL animals and not just a character in a book. He loves monkeys so he kept making the noises when we saw any type of "monkey". Second favorites were the elephants and sea lions. Have a great weekend!


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Happy Memorial Day and Welcome Third Trimester!

Happy Memorial Day! Thank you to all the troops that make it possible for us to enjoy living in this beautiful country! We will be celebrating from Gulf Shores...a much needed family beach vacation (aka semi-baby moon) with some close friends. Cannot think of a better way to welcome the third trimester; besides a large cold glass of chocolate milk.

Total weight gain this month: +22 pounds

Maternity clothes? I finally went into a maternity store for the first time ever! Putting on those maternity shorts after squeezing into my jeans was A-MA-ZING! I hate the prices, but love being able to breathe again.
Stretch marks? None yet. I'm using Burt's Bees Belly Butter every morning
Sleep: I am having more and more trouble breathing and some leg cramps at night, but other than that it is great.
Best moment this month: Just hanging out on the weekends with my boy. Trying to get as much time in with him as possible.
Miss Anything? Sushi, drinks, and my clothes...and running without pain
Movement: Yup...every night she goes crazy
Food cravings: Salad every day for lunch and the chocolate milk craving is back this time! I also LOVE strawberry milk...
Anything making you queasy or sick:  Getting the stomach bug. Every time she would move I would get even more nauseous...horrible
Have you started to show yet: Yup!
Gender prediction: IT'S A GIRL!!!
Labor Signs: I had braxton hicks contractions for 3 days straight and ended up going to Labor and Delivery where they told me it was from dehydration. I'm drinking a lot of water now.
Belly Button in or out?  It is almost flat.
Wedding rings on or off?  On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Stressed about getting everything done in time

Looking forward to:  Getting the nursery and other projects finished 

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Nursery Inspiration | Rockers & Gliders

Rockers and gliders for the nursery have come a long way since the days of watching my mom rock my brother in his cow nursery...or was it Noah's ark {can't remember}.

When I first started searching for a rocker for our first nursery I was totally overwhelmed. There were soooo many options and it seemed like all the ones I liked were the price of a dining room table or couch for the living room. I am all for quality, comfort, and style while rocking my baby to sleep, but when my child is old enough to have sleep overs on the couch with me I want to actually be able to still afford one. Luckily, there are plenty of great chairs that don't compromise style and comfort for affordability.

Out of all the pieces of furniture in Abram's nursery, the rocker is the one I get the most emails about. Since I won't be doing the rocker search for this nursery {re-using our other one} I decided I would help out some parents who need some quick guidance. Obviously the quality will vary based on price, so before you order make sure to read the reviews and return policy.

All of these rockers and gliders can be purchased for under $1,000 {I tried to keep it on the lower end of that range} and are a variety of styles. Here are my top 10:

1Rock Point Rocker {$162}: If you are looking for a simple wooden rocker this one fits the bill, buts adds a pop of color for a lower price tag than some. {Similar-Land of Nod Classic Wooden Rocker}

2Holden Modern Rocker {$200}: This simple, modern rocker definitely has the "less is more" look. It would be perfect for a neutral nursery, and brings in the modern while keeping the warmth of wood.

3Bentwood Rocker {$200}: If you are looking for a whimsical rocker with a vintage flair this is the rocker for you. In fact, you can probably find a true vintage rocker of this type on websites like craigslist. Luckily if you want the look there are several sites to choose from. Just imagine this rocker with a pop of color or maybe with some added upholstery for the more colorful nurseries. It could definately be your nusery's statement piece. {similar for less}{similar}

4- Enchanted Cherish Glider {$354}: This is our rocker {Black and white stripe}. After 1.5 years of use we still love it. I am 5'3" and my husband is 6'2" and we can both sit pretty comfortably in it; it's plush and comfy. We love the pin-stripe look and the black and white is versatile with almost any nursery color scheme. My husband's one complaint is that it doesn't recline. My complaint is that the back cushion is sewn to the back so it is hard to fluff. Oh and for light colored furniture, scotch guard is amazing. {Similar- PBK Glider} {Similar- Land of Nod Glider}{Similar- Serena and Lily}

5- Eddie Bauer Chair and Half Rocker {$400}: Great for the parents that want to sit together or for family stories since it is a little wider. {Similar for less}

6- Grayson Rocker {$400}: I saw this shortly after having my son and wished I had seen it sooner. This rocker is so unique for a nursery. Although the arms aren't upholstered, a pillow could provide extra cushion needed.

7Eddie Bauer Wingback Rocker {$400}: This rocker has the classic appeal of a wing back chair and the comfort needed for long nights with the newborn. If you are going for a classic or gender neutral nursery, this rocker would be a great affordable option as opposed to some of the more popular brands. {Similar- PBK Rocker}

8Modernica Arm Shell Rocker {$435}: This modern rocker comes in a variety of colors to fit your nursery scheme. It would be the perfect fit for a more contemporary nursery or a smaller room that cannot fit the larger, upholstered rockers/gliders. A couple of bonuses are that any spills or accidents can easily be wiped up and it will easily transition into a great chair for your child's room/playroom later on. {Similar for less} {Similar-Land of Nod Rocker- Same Price}

9- Little Castle Charleston Glider {$450}: An upholstered glider with more contemporary lines and a choice of colors. The tufted back and subtle pattern in the fabric adds to the look without competing for attention. {similar} {similar- Land of Nod Luca Glider} {similar- Enchanted Glider} {similar- Rockabye Glider}

10- Nurseryworks Empire Rocker {$900}: This was the rocker I dreamed of for our first nursery. Unfortunately I wasn't working at the time so it wasn't in my budget, but if I had a closet of rockers to trade out this would be the one I would want...in my room...to sit in by myself. ;)

Feel free to "Like" my brand new facebook page for post updates, tips, and inspiration. Plus, you will be able to influence some of my future DIY projects.

Have a great weekend!

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Sugar and Spice and Everything Nice

Ever since I found out we were having a girl I have had mixed emotions. I keep hearing, "perfect, now you have one of each!" and "girls are so fun and you can buy them so many cute clothes!", but I all can think of is me as a teenager. I was a good kid, but I know I was difficult.

I may come back to this post in a couple of years and laugh; probably like some mothers of girls are laughing as they read it now. 

Truth is, I wanted a boy first; having Abram was a relief. To me, having a boy first is sort of like getting my feet wet before I dive in. Don't get me wrong, I know boys have their own issues, but they seem just a little bit simpler. Now having a girl seems so foreign to me. Yes, I am so excited about connecting with her and having our mother/daughter "girl" time, but will I be able to give her the confidence she needs in life?

My mom was a HUGE force in my life. Honestly, if it wasn't for her I probably wouldn't be here today. I was a good mixture of girl and dirt, was extremely creative, had good grades, and was very involved in school activities. I also had bad acne, braces, drank, and took diet pills in high school to try and be as skinny as the other girls. I remember being teased by some, just as others probably remember being teased by me. Then I think about the addition of social media and what that would have been like and it makes me want to take my daughter to an island for her teen years and home school her. Adolescence is tough on young ladies. Puberty, peer pressure, sex, body image...I went through it all and this time I will have to be the one to guide my daughter. Can I do it? 

The notion of "mean girls" appears to have gotten worse today than even a few years ago. About a year ago, I was running and saw some elementary school girls following and teasing me. My first thought was to turn around and start chasing them to see what they would do {it would have been great}, but my second thought was that I am an adult and could this really be happening!? They were so young yet I was slightly scared of them!

I have seen so many women who think snark and bitchiness is a good quality. I know that no mother wants to teach their daughter that, but we all do things we are not proud of when we think they are not looking...they are. I would like for my daughter to have a big heart and a sense of humbleness, and to know that she doesn't need snark to get by. I hope I can show my daughter the power of being nice to others. There is power in that...being kind. 

Our boy {left} and our girl {right}

I cannot imagine how the personalities will differ from boy to girl, inherently. Abram is all about balls, sticks, and as soon as Matt lays down he runs to tackle him. I am very used to this life. He saw a barbie at the party we went to last weekend and grabbed it and started waving it like a sword. He had no clue what it was good for. 

Matt's coworkers have told him, "Boys break bones and replaceable objects, girls break your soul". Ummm...not sure I can take that lightly. Abram is a strong willed boy, but having a strong willed girl may be on another level. Plus, our family has a rich history of a very strong willed second child so if that is true we are in trouble! 

None the less, I hope she and Abram grow close and can be there for each other when one of them needs help and guidance. I have prayed for good character in my children. Yes, I could say the specific personalities I wish they would have, but that wouldn't make them that way. Instead, I hope they find what they love and never stop doing it. I hope they enjoy life, and do everything with a sense of pride and humbleness. I hope they lead by example, not by being bossy. Most of all I hope Matt and I can manage to raise them without too many bumps and bruises; I am sure we are in for a wild ride! Happy Mother's Day to all of you wonderful moms and a very happy one to my mom!!


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Daily Life Pics and Headboard for Grabs...on the side of the road

We have been in full baby prep mode over here. Yes, I know I am only 24 weeks but my nesting phase is much stronger this time around. I suspect it's because I am working and really can't get much done during the week. I have also had a lot harder time getting nursery inspiration for this little chick. Last time I had a lot of stuff that I pulled from other areas of the house, but with this one I am pretty much starting from scratch. My anxiety level got so bad that Matt met me at a fabric store last night to look for inspiration {hence the day-late post}.
Part of bringing another human into the world comes the task of clearing out a room for them. Luckily our house is big enough. When we moved in we had enough bedrooms for the amount of kids we want, not because we are great planners like that, but because a two-story house was cheaper than the smaller, one story houses we were looking at...have I told you we are slightly frugal?  I have tried not to fill the rooms too much, but I have filled the closets with storage stuff and the rooms became a collection of the projects and crafts I did in college. Saying goodbye to those things has made me a little bummed. I know they are things, but some are models and boards I spent countless sleepless nights on...and one thing I am really dragging my heels with is my upholstered headboard. 

When I first moved on my own, in college, I decided I wanted a chartreuse headboard to go with my dark purple/brown walls. I still love that room and headboard to this day. I figured out how to make it before the days of pinterest. I used the wrong type of thread to pull the buttons tight, I didn't have a staple gun to upholster so I bent finishing nails to hold down the fabric, and I didn't cut the mdf to make it lighter; I just used the whole monstrous piece. It was totally a "work with what ya got" moment and after 2 moves {both with sets of stairs}, and Matt and his brother breaking their back carrying the mdf and getting stabbed by the nails and cussing me out, I must say good bye to my rigged headboard. Matt is jumping for joy, but I might just spend one more night sleeping against the soft padding. Just a representation of my life and emotional state at the moment...I used to be a project badass, today I'm just a round, blubbering fool.  ;)
I would say come pick it up if you want it, but your husband might hunt me down.
Good thing I have my little man to distract me. Daily Life: A pic a day- Week 2

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5 Months!

Total weight gain this month: +16 pounds...not looking good this time around

Maternity clothes? I've bought a few more bands to wear around my pants. Last time I was able to wear my pants with those bands up until the day I walked into the delivery room. This time, I am already struggling to get my pants all the way up. Please tell me this is a girl pregnancy thing...I'm getting super nervous...and I need work clothes so bad!
Stretch marks? Not yet, but my ankles might get some at this rate :/
Sleep: I am so busy that I don't stop until I hit the pillow, then I sleep like a...teenager
Best moment this month: Seeing our girl on the ultrasound and confirming that we did not hear it wrong! So surreal...
Miss Anything? Sushi and my clothes
Movement:Right around 20 weeks I FINALLY started feeling her. It was way behind when I felt our first, but I am telling myself it is because she is a girl. 
Food cravings: Salad almost every day and the chocolate milk craving is back this time! I also LOVE strawberry milk...
Anything making you queasy or sick:  Not really
Have you started to show yet: Everything about me is swollen and pregnant looking...there is no hiding it now. 
Gender prediction: IT'S A GIRL!!!
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out?  In
Wedding rings on or off?  On
Happy or Moody most of the time: I have had anxiety attacks almost daily. I never really did with Abram. It has gotten so bad that when I drive I imagine car crashes and tense up every time I change lanes or go through an intersection. We are working on getting this under control because I can't take it. I am hoping it is some sort of maternal protection instinct and not my car wreck from July causing some sort of delayed anxiety. Aggravating...

Looking forward to:  Getting the nursery closer to finished and Easter!

This weekend was all about organization and celebrating Spring. When we weren't trying to get things in order we were playing with Abram and going to our neighborhood spring fling.

He loves to throw the ball back and forth

He has also started to climb on the ottoman and try to stand...joy

Of course he got a boo boo. Not from climbing or throwing, but from slipping on his spilled smoothie juice with the straw in his mouth. He was still all smiles.

He LOVES to play with water in the buckets

Walking around the spring fling festival

I got to give him his very first popsicle...many more to come!

He no longer likes swings, but he loves to slide! I could stare at that beautiful smile all day...pure joy

...and got brave and went head first

We ended the day with his first fit when he had to leave the fun...he was charging back in this pic.
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Nursery Inspiration Board

Last week I hit the 20 week mark and we confirmed that we are indeed expecting a little girl. We celebrated by painting some of the walls in her nursery this past weekend while it "poured down" outside...it was supposed to...it didn't :/.  I had created an inspiration board a few weeks ago, then edited it...so here is the edited version. I'm sure a lot will change as the room progresses.
I am not someone who can do a totally themed or one-color room. I get bored waaayyy too quick.  Abram's nursery had an "adventure-ish" theme that started with a patterned fabric I liked, a saying, and a few dog paintings. I LOVE mixing several colors and patterns so things can be easily changed as time passes and tastes change.
This nursery was much harder to get the ideas rolling. I didn't want anything princessy, but still wanted to celebrate the "girl" spirit. Back in December, before I even knew I was having a girl, I saw some beautiful colored butterflies and moss displays at West Elm that I LOVED and came up with the theme "Make Believe" which could go in almost any direction.
I kinda combined Alice In Wonderland, secret garden, and glam/rock in my head. At first I was sold on fresh white walls and a bright floral focal wall behind the crib. Matt quickly vetoed that because of the thought of wall paper...bummer. If anyone wants a nursery like that I will be happy to help you design it; it would be so cool!  
Our family has been to the Hard Rock, in Vegas, several times and I have always loved the dark purple, moody, rock, velvet feel of it so I am trying to incorporate some of that. I love love love the Ikea chandelier because it reminds me of raindrops, but it might be too tall for our 8' ceilings so I am searching for an alternative. I am re-using the crib and glider from Abram's nursery so those won't add to the budget {if you don't count his big boy room update} ;)}. I am also painting a dresser that was given to me by a relative to save cost.
The nursery has so far evolved from more woodsy to a little more edgy, but I have some great ideas to tone down the drama. I really wanted to inspire her to dream and use her imagination. I also wanted to use floral, dots, and stripes to create a girly backdrop for some moodier pieces. I'm really into the idea of a deep purple and gold dresser right now, but that could change by next week.  I've also got some ideas for some cool textural items and imaginative decorations.
Stay tuned for updates...
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4 Months with Baby #2

Remember that time I was 13 weeks and thought I had a belly...

Total weight gain this month: +9 pounds...oh man

Maternity clothes? My stretchy skirts from Old Navy and bella band I bought last time from Target
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: Already starting to get uncomfortable
Best moment this month: the warm weather making its first appearance!
Miss Anything? A cold drink...it was Mardi Gras...
Movement: I felt some when I laid down pretty early on {14 weeks} and then it suddenly stopped which of course freaked me out so we had to get a check up to make sure everything was ok. It was and now I have felt a couple flutters this week {16.5 weeks}
Food cravings: Salty and sweet together. I'm not saying I have eaten pickles covered in chocolate syrup, but I wouldn't be opposed to it ;). I also loved chocolate milk and shakes last time, and while those still top the list, I my cravings have been more for strawberry flavored stuff this time. I also LOVE salad.
Anything making you queasy or sick:  Coffee and spark sometimes {they rotate}, eggs, and fish still
Have you started to show yet: YES! I am popping way more than I did last time at 4 months. It is hard to hide and none of my pants button. My feet also look like balloons daily now.
Gender prediction: IT'S A GIRL!!!
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out?  In
Wedding rings on or off?  On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Stressed

Looking forward to:  The cold going away so the sicknesses in our house will ease up.

The funniest shirt for a pregnant gal at Mardi Gras {please ignore the lack of fixing-up)
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So Long First Trimester...

You will not be missed...

I am now in the "blissful" period of pregnancy and am feeling so much better! I was sooo tired and coffee made me throw up :(. I also got a virus which took me out of commission for a good week; so it feels good to be back.

My tired Valentines Day

Total 1st trimester weight gain: +5 pounds (2 more than last time)

Maternity clothes? Nothing yet, but I am stocking up on stretchy pencil skirts and maxi skirts for work
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: great
Best moment this trimester: Finding out the gender WAY earlier than we thought we would!
Miss Anything?  A margarita and coffee/spark
Movement: Not yet
Food cravings: CUPCAKES and PICKLES! Basically anything sweet and salty mixed together.
Anything making you queasy or sick:  Coffee, eggs, fish...I knew I was pregnant when Matt left out deer meat and I couldn't stand the smell from across the house
Have you started to show yet:  I am getting a belly much quicker than I had at 13 weeks last time, and where I am lacking in belly I am making up for in swollen feet! I have had swollen feet on and off since 8 weeks and that didn't start until around 30-something weeks last time...it is killing my wardrobe for work! :/
Gender prediction: IT'S A GIRL!!!
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out?  In
Wedding rings on or off?  On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy and tired/moody
Looking forward to:  Working on the nursery and feeling better

Cheers {with my chocalate milk in hand} to an easy-going second trimester, and the return of my blog from its hiatus!

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Picture Catch Up

       Life has been a whirlwind, but let's get real, when is it not? I am trying to make a schedule for commitments and this blog is one I would desperately like to stick to. So here is my catch up post so we can get back on track {in pics}.

       We won the float contest at our group of friend's Turkey Tailgate...BIG achievement right there. It was a couples challenge, using only what crafty items were on the table and about 20-30 minutes. This is our float with our prizes. We actually tied floats with a Christmas float, but our tie breaking candy corn throw & catch in the mouth challenge gave us the win! Who knew I was so good at catching candy corn being thrown at me!?...I have a tracker on those things.

Went to a friend's wedding

We enjoyed Thanksgiving with my family this year, and got to spend some time with my 99 year old granny. Girls lost pictionary during the final moments.

Abram got tubes in his ears and his adenoids out...long time coming! They wheeled him to the OR in a wagon; which made it easier on me.
Decorated for Christmas

We had our Annual Santa Pub Crawl. This is the only pic that can be seen publicly from the night. ;)
Celebrated Christmas with my family, and then his (on Christmas day)

New Years...on the couch...by the warmth of the fire...watching the countdown and the amazing "free" fireworks from our back window...while Abram slept. HEAVEN
Celebrating Valentines Day with both of my boys
Lots of playing at the park in the 70 degree weather
Then, Getting sick from extreme temp drops
Finishing the hutch for our friends and the shelves for our game room (game room almost complete and I promise I will post when it is)

Oh and there was one HUGE Christmas surprise we got that I forgot to mention. 
Baby Tag #2 is on the way!
I was shocked...I mean I couldn't even say the word for about a week. So were our families when we told them for Christmas; I thought my mom might attack me for springing it on her while they were posing for a picture.
Oh and the best part {our fb announcement}: Roses are red, Violets are blue, Our little boy is sweet, Hoping our little GIRL is too! Yup...it's a girl!!! :) Another nursery is already in the works!
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Introducing Abram Mack!

       I haven't written for a while...and for good reason...our son was welcomed into the world, on November 8th, at 8:06 am! What a whirlwind it has been ever since! He is now almost 2 weeks old and if there is one thing I have learned about being a parent in the past 2 weeks, it is that as soon as you think you have a plan of action...things change.

       On Wednesday, November 7th, we ate one last quiet meal with our families and then headed to the hospital, at 8 pm, to be induced. On the way to the room I reminded Matt to take it all in because the day we had been so excited about was finally here and would pass way to quickly.

Last time as a family of 3

       They hooked me up to the machines, and gave me the IV and Cervidil. The plan was to watch a movie, get some rest, and get an epideral after they gave me the pitocin at 2 am. At 11 pm {in the middle of the movie}, the intense contractions started and there was no turning back...I didn't know what hit me at first. Something felt seriously wrong! I tried not to be a baby so I was holding off on asking for an epideral. I hate the 1-10 pain scale...they say 10 is death and I don't know about you but I have no clue what death feels like! When the nurse realized that I was crying at every contraction, she informed me that it may take half an hour to get the anesthesiologist ..I told her to make the call.

       At 12:30 am, after an hour and a half of breathing/crying through intense contractions my savior walked into the room to give me the epideral. I am so glad Matt and I knew some breathing techniques to get us through the hard times. Getting the epideral wasn't nearly as bad as the contractions, but it is really hard to round your back when you have a big belly in the way. I held as still as possible through several contractions while the guy did his thing to my back. The right side never fully went numb so I tried laying on that side to get more medicine to it so I could rest. I was 4 cm at this point.

       At 2 am they started a light dose of pitocin, and by 4 am I was 10 cm and fully effaced. I know. My body worked pretty quickly. Abram was still pretty high {story of my pregnancy} so they had me continue to labor him down until 7 am, when the doctor came in to finish breaking my water {which had partially broken a couple hours before} and up the pitocin a little. He estimated that I would have the baby by noon. He had several patients in the hospital that day so he was trying to plan around everyone. A few minutes later I started feeling intense contractions on my right side, and then the epideral machine started to beep that it was out of medication.

You have got to be kidding me!

       Again, I am so glad I had learned the basics of breathing through contractions. Since I could feel them at almost full force again, I felt like the time was coming to push. I commend the women of the past/present that do this naturally. I once thought that I may be one of those, but after having felt both ways I will take the drugs thanks! At 7:45 I got a booster shot to help with the pain so I could start pushing. After 10 minutes of pushing, Abram Mack was here, at 8:06 am...weighing 7 lbs. 12 oz. and 20 inches long. Oh and did I mention he came about 4 hours before the doctor estimated? Our boy was ready and was the first of our doctors patients to be born that day! Over achiever...

       Afterwards the dr. worked his magic while Matt cut the cord and held Abram for the first time. I let him announce the name to everyone. We had a few other names on a list (Grey and Easton), but had liked the name Abram since I got pregnant and finally realized that it was his name no matter how much we looked around for others. We liked that it wasn't common, but not made up sounding either. It is a strong, masculine name and it doesn't end in a "t" (Matt's requirement). Mack was Matt's grandpa's nickname that his grandma always called him.

       No one could tell who he looked like...the perfect combination. When they placed him on the scale all you could see was the quad and calf muscles on his long, bow legs. His feet are long {unlike mine} and his thumb nail looks like a miniature duplicate of Matt's. He has a definite widow's peak which he gets from both momma and daddy, as well as his top lip. His ball chin is totally Matt's and his ears are more like mine. The verdict is still out on his nose and the final color his eyes will be {born with dark blue}. His coloring is much lighter than many people thought it would be...I guess my light genes are stronger than some thought.

Doodle and Abram

Bibi and Abram (I thought I had a pic of Baba on my camera, but I guess he escaped me)

Aunt Kiki and Abram {Uncle Jake "Red" had school 7 hours away so he couldn't make it}

Uncle Dave and Abram {Aunt Layla had to save lives 4 hours away so she couldn't make it that weekend}

Pops and Abram

       The first time I held him in my arms was amazing. I thought I would cry {like I always think}, and honestly if there wasn't a room full of medical people, I would have. As soon as I spoke he looked straight at me with his slightly crossed, blue eyes and mouth open like he recognized my voice and knew it was me. It is a moment I never want to forget.

Heading home

        More of Abram and our stories about raising him to come....
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39 Weeks and Waiting Patiently

       I did early voting just in case this kid decided to arrive early {although I know he won't}. So since I had time today I decided to make my "red, white, and blue" belly pic. This will most likely be my last "official" belly pic! CRAZY! This past two weeks have flown by and I am savoring every moment!
Total weight gain/loss: +32
Stretch marks? Nope..yay!
Sleep: This is the week I stopped sleeping well…now I see why other pregnant women in the 3rd trimester are so crabby
Best moment this week: Dr. appointment and my mom coming in town for the Sugar Plum Market
Miss Anything?  Moving without pain
Movement: I had to go to the hospital and do a non-stress test at 39 weeks and he was moving so much they could barely get his heartbeat
Food cravings: Grapes, hot cocoa, chocolate milk
Anything making you queasy or sick:  nothing
Have you started to show yet:  He dropped…I really thought he did after Sunday’s walking but the doctor confirmed he is in fact lower…SCORE!
Gender prediction: BOY!
Labor Signs: I’m progressing again 
Belly Button in or out?  Flat
Wedding rings on or off?  On and off when I get worried about swelling
Happy or Moody most of the time: Just taking it all in
Looking forward to:  Let’s do this!
       This week was a fun one...we spent Halloween with my best friend {now neighbor} and her family. I tried trick or treating with all the kids just to try and walk this baby down more. I couldn't decide what to be and remembered my sister talking about how she wanted to see a classic ghost done by someone, so baby Tag wore his first costume of his life...a classic ghost! 
       We have been talking induction with our doc because of my family history of getting stuck in progression, going 2 weeks late, and still needing to be induced. He doesn't let anyone go passed 41 weeks. At my 38 week 4 day appointment, the dr. gave me the best news ever...the baby was FINALLY starting to drop which means that I was one step closer to meeting him. However, at my 39 week 3 day appointment I had not made any more progress. STUCK!
       I also had a little scare this week when I lost my peripheral vision for about 30 minutes. I ate and it went away, so Matt and I went to vote and shop. When the dr.'s office got my message from that morning they sent me straight to the hospital for a series of tests. Everything came out perfect and it was considered an A-typical migraine...but we also got the news that we have a stubborn child who would not stop moving. No surprise to us...it is my child after all. Matt and I are already considering sports to keep him active haha.
A friend convinced me to take bare belly photos...I figure I might not be this way next time so I better treasure my  watermelon/no stretch mark belly while I can
       My mom came in town on Friday to go to the Sugar Plum Market our town Junior League hosts. Something about playing Christmas music while you shop just puts you in that spirit. We walked for a few hours...but it didn't help. The induction has been scheduled, and unless something crazy happens, the picture above is the last time I will be able to use November 9th as his due date. Our little boy should be in our arms on November 8th. Bitter sweet for me...{rubbing my belly until then}


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38 Weeks...Happy Halloween

       Wow! 38 weeks has come so fast...we are almost to November! I remember looking at the calendar back in the first trimester and thinking that Halloween was so far away.
Total weight gain/loss: +30
Maternity clothes? Glad I won’t be pregnant in the cold for long…none of my jackets fit
Stretch marks? Nope
Sleep: Off and on still…it hurts to roll over
Best moment this week: Dr. appointment, Matt finishing his exam, seeing a couple friends from Lafayette, and the airshow
Miss Anything?  Walking without pain
Movement: Still moving a lot
Food cravings: Grapes still
Anything making you queasy or sick:  nothing
Have you started to show yet:  Yes and he isn’t looking any lower
Gender prediction: BOY BOY BOY!
Labor Signs: I didn’t do much moving this week because I was sick and didn’t want anything to happen until after Matt’s exam so I didn’t have much happening until I got to walking this weekend
Belly Button in or out?  It is on the verge of popping out but I don’t think it will
Wedding rings on or off?  On and beautiful thanks to the jewelers for working miracles
Happy or Moody most of the time: Everything and loving this moment of our lives
Looking forward to:  Meeting our man! I am pretty sure that is all that is left at this point…

       Matt's exam was Friday so I sat around most of the week praying the baby wouldn't come on, or before that day. We had dinner with our friend, Ashtyn, who was in from out of town one night which was a nice break for Matt. I have also been sick all week so laying around was not too bad, but as soon as I knew Matt's exam was almost over I started walking around and sitting on Kristen's exercise ball to try and make some progress happen. I have not made ANY in 2 weeks! 

       Saturday morning I got to see another friend from out of town, Leslie {my lucky week}. We had brunch with Leigh Ann and Leslie's sister...just missing one person {you know who you are}! Once Matt was free from his exam prison, we took advantage of the amazing weather for the rest of the weekend. If you were around our town, you might have caught me walking around...I am a girl on a mission!

Walking around the dog park with Matt and Bijou/ Walking around the air show with Matt and David
       It is not like I am trying to be an impatient pregnant woman who wants the baby to come before it is ready, in fact, I would mind if he hung around a couple more months. I am enjoying my belly and am TERRIFIED of delivery/parenting. However, I am a smart girl who knows his arrival is just a few weeks away whether my body decides to make it happen or not. I figure I'll give this bod a fighting chance to do the work before I am stuck with only the drug option.
       Matt's reward to himself was to go to the airshow and see the F22 and the Blue Angels {who we saw together when we first started dating}. Even though I am not as fascinated by flight and engineering as he is, it is hard not to appreciate the amazing-ness of those machines! I can also imagine a tall pilot, with a sculpted jawline and great smile flying them...you know, Mr. America...don't ruin my fantasy by showing me a picture of the old, wrinkly pilot please! ;) We walked around all day, and I really feel like the baby started to get the memo that his time was running out. We will see what the dr. says at my appointment tomorrow.
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Full Term!!

       I cannot believe I'm already here...37 weeks...full term! That means that our little man could be here at any time, although based on my dr. appointments and family history, that won't happen.

Total weight gain/loss: +30
Maternity clothes? Getting sick of cycling through them
Stretch marks? Nope...hopefully I am in the clear
Sleep: Off and on still
Best moment this week: Painting pumpkins, getting my bag packed, LSU's win, and my dr. appointment
Miss Anything?  Being normal
Movement: Still moving a lot...although it has started to slow down mid-week
Food cravings: Grapes.
Anything making you queasy or sick:  randomly
Have you started to show yet:  It is getting outta control
Gender prediction: BOY!
Labor Signs: The labor signs slowed down mid-week and my “progress” stopped…knew it
Belly Button in or out?  It is just kinda hanging on for dear life
Wedding rings on or off?  Off bc I got super glue on them….ya, not happy
Happy or Moody most of the time: Every emotion possible
Looking forward to:  Matt finishing his exam and meeting little guy!

       This past week I kept busy with pumpkin decorating, Junior League stuff, my doctor's appointment, and the LSU game. Kristen and I also got our Tdap shot {and I got my flu shot}...we handled it like champs with no fainting, so we got milkshakes! The doctor confirmed what I had been anticipating my entire pregnancy; my progress has stopped. He also thinks that going past your due date is somewhat hereditary...and I am pretty sure that just about EVERY woman in my family has gone past their due date. Instead of freaking out after this appointment, I actually felt calmer and back on schedule haha {circling 41 weeks on the calendar}. I have been trying to finish up everything and take some time to watch Halloween movies by myself while Matt studies {poor Matt}. Hopefully he can pass his exam on Friday and then we can move on to walking this baby out with a little more confidence.

After working ourselves up...it was not bad AT ALL!

        Since I am nearing the end, I must say I have enjoyed pregnant for the most part...ya, I am one of those people. No, it is not because I got "the glow", because I didn't. I just have loved the crazy experience of it all. I don't know, maybe it is because of how bad the previous year was, but I just feel so blessed to get to go through this. Nowadays I walk the line between being ready for him to be here so I can get back to myself, and not wanting him out so I can still enjoy the time with "just the two of us".

Things I did not enjoy:
I heard you get tired, but had no idea how tired
The headaches of the first trimester that lasted for DAYS!
When you get sick, you have to fight it the "old fashion way"
Of course nausea...who likes that!?
Sciatica, tailbone bone, and rib pain (since the first trimester for me)
Not being able to run because of the pressure
How easy you can dehydrate...and the dizziness that comes along with that
The rash from Hell! I would not wish that on my worst enemy...
The red busted capallaries I have gotten all over my skin
The overwhelmingly freaked-out feeling of the unknown
My balloon feet

Things I've enjoyed:
Telling our friends/family
Hearing his heartbeat
Keeping track of this once-in-a-lifetime event
My growing belly...it is seriously the first time I have not been self-conscious of my stomach in my life!...I will miss it
Being able to work out with Matt while pregnant
My clear complexion on my face {for the first time in my life}
Feeling our little boy move
Being able to eat dairy again
Seeing him on the ultrasound
Seeing Matt get so excited to meet him...he fidgets like a little boy trying to sit still :)
The crazy excitement/anticipation

       I know I am not to the "hard part" yet, but so far the good has definitely outweighed the bad, and meeting him at the end of all this will be so amazing. Matt's co-worker told him the other day that having his son will be like the best toy anyone can give him haha. I thought it was only fair that since I am the one bringing him into the world, then I am covered for Christmas gifts for the rest of our lives...but that just wouldn't much fun! ;) 

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The Nursery Details

       If you don't remember, our nursery WAS our office/craft/junk collection room. It was half-finished {like a lot of our rooms} and we could barely walk into it by the end. We really didn't use it as an office much because it only had one small window and bad lighting.       I tried to D.I.Y. when it was worth the time/money, and when I wasn't creating it I was finding it in discount stores {Marshalls, Ross, Home Goods, etc.} or shopping other parts of my house. The DIY pieces in the room will get their own post soon! {glazing the dresser, painting the laminate shelf, making the no-sew crib skirt, disguising the ugly hanging lamp cord}

Paint Color: Sherwin Williams "Quietude" Ceiling Fan: Hunter fan from Lowes Curtains: Old Ikea linen curtains I had in my previous house. My mom and I found a striped fabric and she added a piece to the curtain to give it more interest.

Dresser: Craigslist find {along with a matching nightstand that wouldn't fit in the room right now}...it was already grey {I had every intention of painting a piece of furniture, but got lucky}, but I did glaze it to give it the antiqued/rustic look. Basket next to Dresser: Home Goods...and I am making it the diaper trashcan Glider:Walmart Pillow on Glider:Ikea Hanging Lamp: Ikea light and shade that was covered by my mom with some extra Amy Butler fabric I had laying around. I wrapped the cord in twine to hide the white and printed electrical numbers.

Rug: T.J. Maxx


Moose head:Ebay {painted white myself}..it was one like this "T" Art: Made by me with scrapbook paper Green and Yellow dog paintings:Logan Berard Paintings Clock: Matt's old clock from his childhood room Boy Art: Made by me using photoshop, modge podge, and a canvas Framed black dog picture: Made by me using an old photo and photoshop

Crib:Jenny Lind Davinci Toy Basket: Home Goods Navy Wild and Free Art: Made by me with burlap{tutorial coming soon} Hanging Planes: Vintage looking decor planes from Hobby Lobby...used fishing line and command hooks to attach to ceiling Drift Wood Mirror: Marshalls Sheets: Target Crib Skirt: Made by me using a plaid fabric from Hobby Lobby {tutorial coming soon} Pillows and animals in Crib: Gifts from friends/family or picked up from discount stores Orange Knitted Quilt: Made by my great grandmother before she passed away Brown Knitted Quilt: Target "I love you like" rag: This is actually a tea towel from a sweet woman on etsy...figured I could use it as a burp rag/decor


Book Shelve: An old laminate garage sale shelf that Matt used in college...updated with left over semi-gloss white paint and Benjamin Moore's "Cork" from other projects in my house. Humidifier:Crane Lamp on Shelf: Ikea {from years ago} Assorted pieces on shelve: pieces from our house and discount stores, pictures of us, knitted quilt from my great grandmother, LSU burp rags from a friend, assorted books and toys, and things from Louisiana... I tried to accessorize it with things that didn't cost much money and can easily be removed to make room for his items later in life.

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36 Weeks

     I'm exactly a week late posting this, but here it is, my 36 week post! This pic was at 36 weeks 3 days, just after painting my cool fleur de lis pumpkin, at Leigh Ann's. I wish I had gotten a picture of all of the pumpkins because they were all so cute!

Total weight gain/loss: +28
Baby’s Size: size of a honeydew
Maternity clothes? Still in ‘em
Stretch marks? Nope
Sleep: Off and on…Sometimes I can’t fall asleep, yet I am tired ALL day
Best moment this week: Finishing the nursery, my dr. appointment, and getting my new hairdo
Miss Anything?  No heartburn and energy
Movement: All the time. He kicked the dr.’s hand when he was trying to get a heartbeat.
Food cravings: Cannot decide what I want and most things just give me heartburn. I just want fresh fruit.
Anything making you queasy or sick:  Every morning when I wake up
Have you started to show yet:  I got my first, “you look like you are about to pop” this week.
Gender prediction: BOY!
Labor Signs: OMG…like the flip of a switch YES! I started getting sharp pain in my lower spine the night before my dr. appointment which I thought was the baby hitting it {still don’t know but I still get it at night}. I also felt practice contractions that night while trying to sleep. Now I have contractions randomly throughout the day. It freaks me out!
Belly Button in or out?  Same as the week before
Wedding rings on or off?  On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy and freaked!

Looking forward to:  Packing my bags {still} and seeing what he looks like 

       I now apparently look like I am “about to pop” to others. I also still have MAJOR balloon feet…this pregnancy swollen feet thing is no joke. I would post a pic, but I am afraid I would scare everyone away from reading my blog.
       Wednesday night, while eating out for our 10 years, I started to get sharp pains in my lower spine every time the baby would move. I thought it was just from him hitting my spine, but am not sure because I still get it at night {only at night}. While trying to sleep that night I also started to feel some tightening in my stomach…I don’t know how women deal with this for weeks!
       My first weekly check-up was the next morning and while trying to find the heartbeat the dr. kept getting moved by our feisty little guy. He looked at me with wide-open eyes and I just shook my head. We agreed that I should just leave him in the yard with Bijou to wear each other out…when he can walk of course ;)! Much to my surprise I had made progress towards labor. It wasn’t enough that we are thinking, “Oh my it is happening tomorrow”, but it was enough that we realized he may decide to come BEFORE the 41 week induction deadline I had already established in my head due to a family history of late babies.
Holy moly! I am NOT READY!
       As my mom put it during my freak out, “You can’t lock him in there until your check list is done…things may not be perfect, but he won’t stand there refusing to walk into your house!” Gotta love her honesty!
        Since my appointment I have started to have random contractions throughout the day that try and remind me to pack my bags and get stuff done, but then my exhaustion and balloon feet scream NO! Whatever…my checklist is stagnant and I may have unvacuumed floors and dirty counters when he gets here.
       With Matt’s upcoming exam and a baby that is trying to scare the hell out of us, this may be an interesting couple of weeks, to say the least. Knowing my family he’ll leave me hanging and show up fashionably late…or he may be just as impatient as his momma. Who knows!? At least this appointment gave us the kick in the pants we needed to install the infant seat!


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Wild and Free Nursery | Home Tour

After all my hard work...it is DONE...and is now my favorite room in our house full of halfway done projects!
A room to grow in...

       When I started thinking about a nursery I knew I didn't want a specific theme. I hate themed rooms in my house; I get bored with them quickly. We didn't know yet whether we were having a boy or girl, but we knew we wanted the bright dog paintings my friend, Logan, painted for me. Our dogs are our babies and we liked the idea that although they were no longer physically with us, they could watch over our new baby and keep him/her safe.

       Before I found out we were having a boy I saw an awesome grey and yellow plaid fabric at Hobby Lobby...so I then began praying for a boy so I could use the fabric haha {half-way sarcastic}. Prayers answered...thanks God, you have gotten me one step closer to finishing the nursery.

the plaid fabric was used for the crib skirt (diy coming soon...)

       I, like most people these days, love the look of vintage and modern mixed. I love color and when patterns, color, and texture mix in an interesting way. I really had no direction besides that...I just kept saying that I wanted it to be a room for a boy. I began trying to incorporate everything we love into his room and hoped it would somehow create unity when combined{oh ya I have an eclectic taste}. A little bit of animal fun {our dogs and pigs bc I'm obsessed), hunting {Matt's love}, patterns, travel, planes {Matt's other love}, rustic, etc...our little one's well rounded boy room. Hope you like!

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