8 Months

I have officially hit 8 months {I'm actually 37 weeks now} and crossed the threshold into pure discomfort. I've also kicked nesting into overdrive now that I am home all day. I'm not sure why the arrival of a new human in your family makes you want to purge through all of the "things" you thought were important in the past. Our garage is full of goodwill/habitat donation items. 

If you follow me on instagram, you may have noticed that we got new carpet this past weekend too. We really wanted wood flooring in the Master and stairs, but the quotes we got were way over the cost of just replacing the carpet in all bedrooms, gameroom, and stairs. Finally, after 6 years in this house we have comfy, non-stained carpet. We have thoroughly enjoyed rolling around our bedroom floors every night.

Our bedroom; sans carpet

The dizziness is still going strong and my anemia is being tended to; trying to get my levels up. My feet are the size of melons and Abram thinks my belly is a mountain that he must climb and conquer every day. It hurts. He has also taken to Matt and become quite attached lately. It hurts my feelings so bad, but I tell myself that it will be a good thing when the newest member arrives and needs me. It wouldn't sting as much if he wouldn't call him Momma :/...we have been working on this issue. 

Total weight gain this month: +32 pounds
Maternity clothes? I am so ready to be in my normal clothes again, but am terrified that this time around the weight won't come offas easy as it did last time.
Stretch marks? None yet. I'm using Burt's Bees Belly Butter every morning
Sleep: I toss and turn all night long and feel very anxious. I'm so sleepy, but most nights I am so uncomfortable I cannot wait to get up in the morning.
Best moment this month: Celebrating our birthdays, the 4th, swimming with my boys, and seeing our little girl one last time before we get to meet her!
Miss Anything? Sushi, drinks, exercise, and my clothes
Movement: She is quite the mover and shaker {I imagine}. I turned down ice cream the other night and was promptly elbowed in my side. This girl knows how to throw an elbow btw...
Food cravings: Chocolate milk. I eat a lot of sweets and am really wanting to scale back and eat healthy for the next two weeks.
Anything making you queasy or sick:  I get nauseous with my dizziness sometimes and when she moves too much.
Have you started to show yet: I am sicking way out there.
Gender prediction: IT'S A GIRL!!!
Labor Signs: Just some braxton hicks. I start getting checked for progress next week!
Belly Button in or out?  Poor thing.
Wedding rings on or off?  On
Happy or Moody most of the time:  Tired

Looking forward to:  Finishing the nursery, home organization, and mirrors. Maybe resting for a week and then meeting our girl! {I accidentally called her "he" at my appointment Monday}.

A friend from Junior League through me a sweet Sprinkle Tea. It was the perfect way to celebrate our baby girl! In a pregnancy that has been flying by, this sprinkle made me stop and take everything in. I got to catch up with the girls, eat some amazing food, and baby "Pixie" got headbands made for her by everyone that was there. There were even gluten-free cupcakes that I may or may not have taken home and eaten one every day since. Yikes...


Introducing Julip Pearl


Matt's 30th | Summer Fun