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House Hunting & Egg Hunting

I think I've mentioned here a time or two that we are moving...to Ohio...from Texas...SOUTH Texas to NORTH Ohio to be exact. It will be a big change for our family. We will also pay for good snow advice next winter.

We listed our {first} house a couple weeks ago, after what felt like a decade of talking about it. We had three offers within the first 2 days, one of those being from the first people who saw it. It was a huge relief for me since the staging was all mine.

We lived with my parents the entire week we kept it on the market. Then, we headed straight to Ohio to buy a house while my parents watched the kids. We had about 50 houses on our first list and narrowed them down to 20-something in different areas of Cleveland. We knew nothing about Cleveland so the first few days were just driving around to see different areas. By the time Friday came we had narrowed them down to our top two. It was straight out of an episode of House Hunters {I hate that show}...I always feel bad for the people because there is never a perfect answer. House 1: Location and House 2: Roomy and updated. 

In the end, after lots of tears from me, we went with house 1 and paid a little more than we would have liked for a smaller house that is in a great location. We will be down-sizing and cutting out the guest bedroom completely so that will be a challenge. The yard is great, as well as the community, and there is lots to do in the area...the lake is a mile away. Matt has always dreamed about being near the water and this will probably be the closest we ever get to a lake house, so that's what we will call it!

We headed back to Houston, on Friday evening, and had company come in for Easter. I tried to get the kids ready early enough to get their baskets before church. Abram is NOT a morning person, so he refused his shirt and didn't smile until he saw the candy and animals. Julip was just trying to sit up without falling and had gotten a mosquito bite on the middle of her forehead the night before... These picture will be awesome to look back on haha.

It was muggy and overcast for the majority of the weekend, but luckily the rain held out for our Easter egg hunt. We all went to my parent's house after church where we grilled everything you can think of, dyed eggs, watched the kids get WAY TOO into the hunt, and had my mom's Easter strawberry crepes {made gluten-free for me}. I seriously had dreams about them the entire week before!

Abram loved playing with "the boys"; he always imitates everything they do. Whenever they were counting their eggs on the grass, he began throwing his into the grass, yelling " 2, 3, 8, 10, 14, 18, 20". He cracks me up...hope your Easter was fabulous!


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Our Halloween/ Abram's 2nd B-day

The last two weeks have been a hectic, great time with a holiday, a wedding, a birthday, and Julip turning 3 months old the day of Halloween! For the sake of this post, let's start at the very beginning. Abram's birthday party was set for the day after Halloween months ago; due to our good friend getting married the weekend of his actual birthday.

I've never really decorated much for Halloween, so I figured I would make his party Monster/Halloween themed to have a good excuse to buy some more decorations and not stress out about trying to re-decorate. 
Halloween out take...check out instagram for the ONE good picture!
The night of Halloween we dressed him in his Wild Thing costume and headed to a friend's house for their annual cal de sac Halloween get-together. We each put out a bowl of candy, ordered pizza, and brought desserts. This year we played the Elsa drinking game which wasn't too bad considering we took our kids trick-or-treating for the majority of the time.
My parents came to help us, and my dad and Abram literally ran from door to door "tick or teating". Abram insisted on carrying his own bucket of candy. He was like a little boy! Tear... He kept up with all the older kids; running around all night long and digging through his candy.

The next morning he woke up to us preparing for his party, with my in-laws. We had Jambalaya, pigs in a blanket, mint-chocolate dipped marshmallows (Matt's request), cheese dip, candy, monster punch, regular and gluten-free devil's food cupcakes, and chocolate covered apples for favors. We set up some carnival games and fun jumps in the back yard. If you don't have a fun jump you should make it a Christmas gift to your kids and yourself; it saves us during almost every party/dinner/tailgate and is safer for the young-ins.  It all came together perfectly and everyone had a blast; costume or no costume. 

I don't think Abram stopped until he hit the pillow. We had some help opening Abram's gifts from some of our favorite little boys. They tore through every gift and Abram was so happy to see his favorite things; cars, balls, LSU, and elmo. Seriously, I have no clue where to put everything! That's more scary than Halloween! 

Oh and for the record, it took a full week for all of the black to get out of his nose...oh my.
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8 Months

I have officially hit 8 months {I'm actually 37 weeks now} and crossed the threshold into pure discomfort. I've also kicked nesting into overdrive now that I am home all day. I'm not sure why the arrival of a new human in your family makes you want to purge through all of the "things" you thought were important in the past. Our garage is full of goodwill/habitat donation items. 

If you follow me on instagram, you may have noticed that we got new carpet this past weekend too. We really wanted wood flooring in the Master and stairs, but the quotes we got were way over the cost of just replacing the carpet in all bedrooms, gameroom, and stairs. Finally, after 6 years in this house we have comfy, non-stained carpet. We have thoroughly enjoyed rolling around our bedroom floors every night.

Our bedroom; sans carpet

The dizziness is still going strong and my anemia is being tended to; trying to get my levels up. My feet are the size of melons and Abram thinks my belly is a mountain that he must climb and conquer every day. It hurts. He has also taken to Matt and become quite attached lately. It hurts my feelings so bad, but I tell myself that it will be a good thing when the newest member arrives and needs me. It wouldn't sting as much if he wouldn't call him Momma :/...we have been working on this issue. 

Total weight gain this month: +32 pounds
Maternity clothes? I am so ready to be in my normal clothes again, but am terrified that this time around the weight won't come offas easy as it did last time.
Stretch marks? None yet. I'm using Burt's Bees Belly Butter every morning
Sleep: I toss and turn all night long and feel very anxious. I'm so sleepy, but most nights I am so uncomfortable I cannot wait to get up in the morning.
Best moment this month: Celebrating our birthdays, the 4th, swimming with my boys, and seeing our little girl one last time before we get to meet her!
Miss Anything? Sushi, drinks, exercise, and my clothes
Movement: She is quite the mover and shaker {I imagine}. I turned down ice cream the other night and was promptly elbowed in my side. This girl knows how to throw an elbow btw...
Food cravings: Chocolate milk. I eat a lot of sweets and am really wanting to scale back and eat healthy for the next two weeks.
Anything making you queasy or sick:  I get nauseous with my dizziness sometimes and when she moves too much.
Have you started to show yet: I am sicking way out there.
Gender prediction: IT'S A GIRL!!!
Labor Signs: Just some braxton hicks. I start getting checked for progress next week!
Belly Button in or out?  Poor thing.
Wedding rings on or off?  On
Happy or Moody most of the time:  Tired

Looking forward to:  Finishing the nursery, home organization, and mirrors. Maybe resting for a week and then meeting our girl! {I accidentally called her "he" at my appointment Monday}.

A friend from Junior League through me a sweet Sprinkle Tea. It was the perfect way to celebrate our baby girl! In a pregnancy that has been flying by, this sprinkle made me stop and take everything in. I got to catch up with the girls, eat some amazing food, and baby "Pixie" got headbands made for her by everyone that was there. There were even gluten-free cupcakes that I may or may not have taken home and eaten one every day since. Yikes...

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Matt's 30th | Summer Fun

Matt turned 30 this weekend. I had all of these grand plans on how to celebrate, but work and nesting has been running our lives lately. Then, I got put on modified bed rest Friday...I basically can't drive because of the dizzy spells I keep getting that come out of no where. Chalk it up to pregnancy anemia not being cured by iron supplements because of my Celiac disease; bummer. I'm hoping we can get a handle on it now that we know the cause...and maybe I won't be so tired.

Checking out Matt's birthday flock
Needless to say, poor Matt may get a second "30th celebration" next year. We did manage to spend a few hours at the pool and then met friends at one of his favorite restaurants for dinner.  After dinner the city center was playing "Hook" in the park area so we hung out and let the kids run around. It wasn't a giant, extravagant celebration, but it was nice way to celebrate 30 with good friends/family. 
Sunday, we were back at the house projects. We are getting so close to the finish line I can see the light! I can't wait to share everything with you!
We have also been really into doing at least one fun thing {on top of projects} every weekend. That has meant lots of water fun, snow cones, ice cream, and parks. Abram is at a really fun age and I just want to take all of him in, while it is just him. Now that I'm home I am still bringing him to daycare at least until I get all the home preparations/cleaning finished. I let him sleep in and then we have a long breakfast...just the two of us playing eating. I'm really hoping I can get everything done at least a week early so we can just hang out and do whatever we want. As a working mom, extra time with your little one is something you dream of so I want to take advantage. Have a great week!
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Father's Day Weekend & Nursery Update

 When I met Matt in high school I knew he was a good person, but had no idea whether or not he would be a good dad. Then I saw him with our dogs. He is the doggy daddy that randomly brings home treats and toys because he sees something they "need", and yes they have always had a stocking for Christmas. Matt is as soft-hearted as they come. He hates that Bijou {our 65 lb hound} sleeps with us, but doesn't have the heart to kick her out of the bed. It sometimes gets to me that I am more of the disciplinarian, but having a loving husband who truly cares about everyone around him makes me feel so lucky! He has been the same way with Abram as he is with our dogs, and I know he will show "Pixie" how much a dad can love a daughter.

He "never" {his words, not mine} gets to go fishing anymore now that we live in Texas, so I let him spend Friday fishing with his brother and dad while I worked...easiest gift ever ;). Truth...Abram had bought him a fish fryer and cajun cookbook for Father's Day and wanted him to be able to use it. Me wanting homemade fried fish had nothing to do with it...maybe.

Saturday we dove straight into the rest of the celebrations with a 1st birthday party for one of Abram's future best friends. It was at a beautiful little park and all the kids LOVED running around playing. I loved the ice cream...

He found my necklace and when I grabbed my camera he stood there and said, "cheese"...I was stunned and he officially now has my entire heart!

Afterwards we made our way to Ikea. Abram passed out at the store while Matt and I searched and searched for some shelves/storage for the nursery. I swear this has been the HARDEST room I have ever put together. It felt good to stock up on items I may or may not need...just to feel like I accomplished something felt great! Abram rode his sister's shelves out of the store. Today I decided I didn't like them anymore, then decided I did...see what I mean...pregnant women shouldn't design their own nurseries; it is bad for everyone involved.

After our 1.5 trip to Ikea, which felt like we broke some speed shopping records, we needed a refresh so we headed to meet my parents for the last crawfish of the season and a little live zydeco music. We chowed down and danced until the place shut down. Abram had his first crawfish and danced his first Cajun dance. He spent the rest of the night throwing rocks and strutting across the lot to pick them up. He is amazing us by how fast he is learning the world around him, and by how fast he is learning to control those around him.

I'm so happy I was able to celebrate the awesome dad's in my life!

He wants to be just like dad

Sunday was a full-fledged nursery work day...

All the walls are painted {including the focal wall}
The fan has been installed
We primed and put the first coat of paint on the dresser/changing table
Picked out shelving {hopefully it will stay}
Moved the rocker and crib into the room

Still To Do:
Finish picking/buying/painting artwork
Finish painting dresser
Install shelves
Pick/make rug, curtains, bedding
Finishing touches

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Family Beach Vacation Recap

We got home from our trip to Gulf Shores on Sunday evening which gave me just enough time to unpack, do our laundry, and pile it on the living room chairs. Needless to say I was very unprepared for the work week, but it was totally worth it to spend an entire WEEK at the beach. How do you even summarize a week of amazing into one post?!

Have you ever had one of those vacations that was your saving grace from complete breakdown? That was this vacation for me! I tend to be a list maker and put way too much on my plate. On top of working full-time, being a parent to a toddler, and being 6.5 months pregnant I have also gotten sick so many times this pregnancy. I'm sure it is from the combination of everything, but this trip saved my mind and body from a potential collapse. Seriously.

Not to mention that we live for the water, and when we were in Louisiana we spent as many weekends as possible on the boat or at the beach. Now, it rarely happens, but it is something that gets us back in touch with the world. We got to Gulf Shores on Saturday night, along with a couple of our friends' families. Think 4 children under 4. It actually went along well without too many meltdowns which in our books is a win! 

28 weeks pregnant with our girl! Only day I was brave enough for a bikini...

Sunday through Wednesday went a little something like this: Our day started around 7:30 with the ritual of the morning mad-dash to the beach; coffee, breakfast for all, changing into our suits and lathering up, packing the beach bags with snacks and other supplies, and then making our way down. I don't think we ever got there before 11 am even with all of our efforts, but we got really good at preparing to stay all day. We set up two canopies for shade for the kids...and the pregnant lady. We also got a blow up pool and filled it with a very small amount of water so they could stay cool playing with toys without us worrying about waves, etc. Under our tents, food was never sparse and there was a continuous flow of our version of beach tunes playing. We basically set up camp and I pretty much stayed parked in my beach chair, feet buried in the sand, for the majority of the week. 

Abram is a certified beach baby. We went on the trip worried; remembering last year when he was terrified of all water, even baths. I put him in the sand and he instantly dove in and rolled around. He rarely had anything else but a handful of sand in his hands. He looked around and took in every morsel of the beach; the birds, the waves crashing on the shore, and he literally ate almost every grain of sand. After filling up his pail and dumping it out about 20 times he would inevitably crawl into my lap {covered in sand} for some kisses and gold fish. By the time the tenth gold fish was dipped in the sand and eaten I decided it was time for an ocean break to clean both of us off. He never even gave one look of fear with the water. He was at complete peace in our arms and enjoyed the rocking waves. By the end of the day, or by the time we were sick of feeling like sand paper, we would head to the pool. Again our little fish was fearless and would jump to us from the side over and over. Last year's swim lessons paid off ;).

There are some days that I know God made this kid JUST for me...it's like he gets me ;)

Thursday it rained so we made it into a shopping day, also known as, walking around to lots of boutiques and then realizing that cute summer clothes aren't in the cards for me this year... so we got ice cream instead.
Friday was our last day. We met some Louisiana friends to ride around the bay on their pontoon boat. We were dodging rain pockets all day, but there was plenty of places to stop for food and drinks while we waited them out. It was Abram's first boat ride and it took a few minutes for him to get his sea legs. Once we started he was in awe; he just kept saying "whoa". He absolutely loved it and when he got tired, the boat's vibrations and white noise would put him right to sleep.

Captain Sina and Abram for his first ride. Both sporting the LSU attire... we did it just for Sina :)

We did make it out to eat one night of the week. Lulu's is a must for any family visiting Gulf Shores. They have good drinks and a live band, and for the young kids they have sand and water to play in. A change of clothes is a good idea; within 5 minutes they were soaked!

Saturday we headed to Lafayette to stay the night. We made a pit stop at an antique shop in Alabama first, and then one more stop to visit Aunt Layla, in New Orleans. I used to visit New Orleans a few times a year, but we hadn't been since before I got pregnant the first time. It was a quick visit. Just enough to see the horses pulling the carriages, look at some beautiful art, listen to the brass bands, and enjoy a Cajun/Creole dinner. When your waiter asks, "what would you like dawlin'?" you know you are in New Orleans. 

Playing soccer at the family farm

This week we are back to reality and feeling refreshed, and only slightly depressed that it all had to end. Now that my batteries have been recharged I am ready to tackle our projects that we need to finish before baby. 11 more weeks!


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Mother's Day Weekend/ Daily Life Pics & 18 Month Update

I celebrated my second official Mother's Day yesterday, and it was every bit as wonderful as I thought it would be. Matt went hunting with some of my family from Thursday to Sunday morning, so it was just me and my littlest man in my life. For some reason he was up at the crack of dawn on Saturday so we laid in his new big boy bed for about an hour before starting our day {well he poked me in the face while I tried to sleep a little longer}. We got to eat breakfast just the two of us, play/clean, and Abram watched "Up" all the way through for the first time! He wanted to sit on my lap while he ate and watched the movie, so I put my phone and chore list in another room and soaked him up. I needed that moment; it was my favorite Mother's Day gift.

Mother's day breakfast at the kid's table...still half asleep

 Then things got a little crazy and when I couldn't take being out of breath anymore from leaning over, at almost 26 weeks pregnant, my mom came to save the day. We ran some errands, I finally took the plunge and shopped at a maternity store {my first time}, and then we took Abram for his first fro yo to celebrate my new, lose fitting clothes ;).

 Sunday I got to just relax a little and go for a family walk. Matt Abram came through in the gift department more than I had anticipated, and got me both the Kendra Scott earrings AND Kelli Murray art I had been eyeing for a couple months. We have tons of art in our house, but so much of it was bought to fill space...I have been weeding things out and starting to collect art that I LOVE and that means something to me. This piece represents the new me, as a mother, and I am so excited that I can stare at the beauty every day and be reminding of the real joys in life. 

Later we went to my parent's house to have a Mother's Day lunch and then my mom, sis and  I met some of my friends for a mani/pedi session. Needless to say I did NOT want to have to stop the fun and go back to work.

 Time is passing by so fast...

Speaking of time flying; Abram turned 18 months last week! I look at his one year pics and cannot believe how much he has changed in 6 months. He went from just taking his first steps to running and talking. He is a full-fledged toddler these days and with that comes a lot of fun, hilarious times, but also a lot of exhausting moments.

Health: He was sick throughout most of the winter, and is now on Zyrtec every day. Sometimes we have to use an inhaler to stop his wheezing...it is crazy that getting his adenoids out didn't really help. The past few weeks {knock on wood} with the warmer weather has seemed to help us manage it better.

Abram sleeps great {most nights} and moved to his big boy bed last week. The kid turns 360's while he is asleep so I think moving to his full-size bed has just given him more room to not get tangled. I'll be doing a separate post on the transition.

What he will eat still changes daily, but we are managing. Grapes, watermelon, and yogurt of some of his favorites. 

Abram loves running, jumping, pretend falling, standing on chairs/etc, drawing with his water/juice, coloring, eating with a spoon, doing everything himself, dancing to music, baths, climbing the stairs, throwing balls, bubbles, food, going down the slide, his golf clubs, being rocked to sleep, reading books before bed, playing with legos {the larger ones}, sitting at his own table to eat snacks, and mimicking everything you do.

He hates when he can't move so he still despises being changed or dressed, sitting still, being strapped into his carseat and stroller, getting his face wiped, learning to share, getting his teeth brushed, waiting on food, and eating veggies.

Entranced by "Up"

Since his first birthday he has gotten tubes in and adenoids out, celebrated Christmas, gone to his first Mardi Gras parade, and hunted Easter eggs for the first time. He has moved up in classes at daycare, given up pacifiers and bottles, and moved to a big boy bed. His first REAL word was ball {spoken with a Russian accent}, followed by bubble. He can now say mommy, daddy, uh oh, more, ball, bubble, water {wawa}, doggy, owl, horse, moose, car, hot, eye, mouth, socks, and shoes. He will repeat just about any word you say and if he knows the sound affect to go with it, he will follow it up with that {doggy ruff ruff}. He has no clue what is making my tummy so big...

Have a great week!

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Darlin' You're the Mint to my Julep...

Can you believe I have never had a mint julep!? I have also never been to a Kentucky Derby Party...until this past weekend. 

When I got the invite I jumped at the chance to make a big, over-the-top, annoying hat. I grabbed my beach hat I got on sale, for $5, at Target last year, put a ribbon around it so that I could glue as many flowers as I want without ruining the hat, and perused the floral aisle of Hobby Lobby for an HOUR! Hobby Lobby is so draining...

 my hard work paid off...it even had a bird!

The party was so fun and I seriously have some creative friends. There were adult only mint julep cupcakes, a horse shoe cake, and tons of food and betting. Here are a few party pics...

For the rest of the weekend we set up our gazebo and Abram's big boy bed...wish us luck! I also took some time to relax since last week I had to go to the hospital for dehydration...nothing serious...I just apparently need a ton of water when I am pregnant {flashback to 2 years ago}. No pics were taken this time; Matt was too busy chasing around Abram and picking up fruit off the floor. 

I am continuing to take my picture a day even if my life seems monotonous to others, the pics mean so much to me! Have a great week!

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Easter Ideas for Toddlers

I'm not sure if I said it yet, but happy Spring! We are watermelon addicts over here so we kicked off our spring with my husband picking the most perfectly sweet watermelon you have ever tasted...amazing!

Anyway, I got my Parents magazine in the mail and saw all of the Easter crafts; like putting purple food coloring in the kid's milk {genius}...I cannot wait to do that next year! It inspired me to start searching for my Easter basket gifts.

I am so excited for Easter this year! This will be the first Easter in a couple years that we get to stay home, and my parents now live near us which means I get some of my mom's Easter Strawberry Crepes {recipe coming soon}.

I always have trouble picking {narrowing down} gifts and try to buy Abram gifts that I know he will use instead of little trinkets. This year I am focusing on creative toys and things he will need for the summer...what a fun summer it will be! I also have gotten a few things for baby girl that I may include in her "basket" so I don't feel guilty. ;)

Here are some ideas by category, but they can be easily combined into the perfect basket for you!


Snuggle Bunny
We don't let Abram watch much tv yet, but sometimes he has these after school meltdowns {diva moments as we like to call them} where some grapes and cheese and an episode of Veggie Tales is all that will calm him. I also love the idea of getting him a book for each holiday and I remember reading the Berenstain Bears Easter book when I was young; it was my favorite.

Fox Sleeping Bag // Boy Stuffed Animal // Berenstain Bears and the Easter Story Book // Throw Pillow // Veggie Tales: Easter Collection // Woodland Nightlight // Girl Stuffed Animal // Cloud Pillow // Pinkalicious: Eggstraordinary Easter // Toddler Pink Flamingo Slippers

Water Tot
My parents are getting a pool and I cannot be more excited, so I have already bought Abram two swimsuits, and a few cover ups for my enlarging bod ;). I also got him some beach toys for his basket so he can play in the sand when we go on our trip, in May.

Boy Beach Towel // Ship Print trunks // Beach Toys // Sprinkler // Rugby Stripe Cover-Up // Kiddie Pool // Ruffled Swimsuit // Girl Beach Towel


Outdoor Play

We are obsessed with being outside and active these days. Anything and everything he can get his hands into, he will.

Boy Ball // Bubble Machine // Golf Clubs // Adirondack Chair // Tree Swing // Girl Ball

Little Creative

I love the idea of inspiring imaginative play; whether it is dressing up, playing music, dancing, or drawing. There is no greater thing than seeing my little guy's wheels turning as he decides what to do next with no clear rules. 
Style Maven
We have these sunglasses from last summer and I LOVE them, but he will not keep them on so baseball caps and hats will be a staple for us this summer. I also ordered this big plaid bow from Crew & Lu and already have it in little misses top drawer. It just seems so Southern...I cannot wait to see her in it!

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A Fresh Start

It may not be minty fresh, but it is close...

Now that I am back I FINALLY did something I had been toying with for over a year; changing my blog's name to something more...me! You can read a little more about the new name by clicking on the "about us" tab at the top of the screen.

Oh and that brings me to the other change; this blog got a minor face lift! It is a little bit more fresh for Spring and has some different tabs so feel free to browse around. Now I am off to have a lazy {er} Sunday. Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

xo, Nikki

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Let's Take it Back to Mardi Gras Weekend

A weekend so refreshing I would like to do it all over again...

Who says pregnant girls can't have fun at Mardi Gras!? When the woman on our float found out I was pregnant she was shocked. I had been dancing to every song {we are a dancing family}, so she was sure that this baby was gonna come out ready to party and having a good time :). I reassured her that as soon as a song comes on Abram starts to shake or drop it like it's hot!

Our friends invited us to be on their float for a parade, in Baton Rouge, and it had been so long that there was no way we were turning it down. The theme was Flamingo Dynasty {flamingos are always a part of the theme}, so we rocked the camo and pink...and a couple beards. Our friend buys pool floats on sale at the end of the summer to throw...GENIUS...I have never seen this done and they get the crowds going wild!

 Our parents split watching Abram back in our hometown, and my parents took him to the children's parade where he racked up the goodies. They were throwing balls like crazy and that happens to be his FAVORITE.THING.EVER and the only word he says, on repeat.

The weather was perfect and we got crawfish after the parade for the first time all season. It felt good to be back in Louisiana; we cannot wait to show our kids the rich traditions and culture of our home state!

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Picture Catch Up

       Life has been a whirlwind, but let's get real, when is it not? I am trying to make a schedule for commitments and this blog is one I would desperately like to stick to. So here is my catch up post so we can get back on track {in pics}.

       We won the float contest at our group of friend's Turkey Tailgate...BIG achievement right there. It was a couples challenge, using only what crafty items were on the table and about 20-30 minutes. This is our float with our prizes. We actually tied floats with a Christmas float, but our tie breaking candy corn throw & catch in the mouth challenge gave us the win! Who knew I was so good at catching candy corn being thrown at me!?...I have a tracker on those things.

Went to a friend's wedding

We enjoyed Thanksgiving with my family this year, and got to spend some time with my 99 year old granny. Girls lost pictionary during the final moments.

Abram got tubes in his ears and his adenoids out...long time coming! They wheeled him to the OR in a wagon; which made it easier on me.
Decorated for Christmas

We had our Annual Santa Pub Crawl. This is the only pic that can be seen publicly from the night. ;)
Celebrated Christmas with my family, and then his (on Christmas day)

New Years...on the couch...by the warmth of the fire...watching the countdown and the amazing "free" fireworks from our back window...while Abram slept. HEAVEN
Celebrating Valentines Day with both of my boys
Lots of playing at the park in the 70 degree weather
Then, Getting sick from extreme temp drops
Finishing the hutch for our friends and the shelves for our game room (game room almost complete and I promise I will post when it is)

Oh and there was one HUGE Christmas surprise we got that I forgot to mention. 
Baby Tag #2 is on the way!
I was shocked...I mean I couldn't even say the word for about a week. So were our families when we told them for Christmas; I thought my mom might attack me for springing it on her while they were posing for a picture.
Oh and the best part {our fb announcement}: Roses are red, Violets are blue, Our little boy is sweet, Hoping our little GIRL is too! Yup...it's a girl!!! :) Another nursery is already in the works!
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Birthday Fun

       Yesterday was my birthday. It's crazy that a year has passed since we found out we were having a boy! What a whirlwind of a year...

       My car broke down Sunday, so I was carless all day and stuck inside. Boo! BUT Matt took me to dinner, and surprised me with my sis and his brother coming to meet us. Yay! Best gift of the year...this little guy...

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We Love Daddy!

       Happy belated Father's Day to all the daddy's out there! My dad is a state away, so I could only call to tell him that I love him. Sunday was Matt's first father's day. I have to say nothing makes me love him more than seeing how much he loves our son!

       We had been planning a Father's Day party, on Saturday night, with several friends who are dads and dads-to-be. Nothing fizzles out party plans like a baby making an early appearance! Yup, one of Matt's best friends welcomed his baby boy on Friday, two weeks early...just in time for father's day! Welcome to our growing group of kiddos baby Colton!

       Instead of a party, a few of us got together at a grill with a play place for the kids. It was under a shaded area and the fans were going, so our Texas heat was actually manageable. We had a blast! That may just be our go-to place this summer. Abram was the youngest of the kids there, so he was taking note of all their amazing skills and trying to follow them.

       Sunday morning Matt requested homemade waffles, so I added bacon, sausage, and chopped bananas to make it a real man's breakfast. He also requested my homemade chocolate bunt cake which I decided to make into cupcakes to give to other dads as well...we basically didn't want to eat an entire cake between the two of us.  We brought some over to the new parents, along with dinner, when they got home from the hospital. It is crazy how big Abram is compared to a newborn.

       The last thing on our list was to take Abram swimming. At the beach he hated the pool water and loved the sand. This NEEDS to change! We are trying to just get him used to water. At first he wasn't thrilled, but we sat there and watched the other kids and slowly got him all the way into the water. After that he realized he could splash just like in the bath and loved it! SUCCESS!! 

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Vacation Recap Part 2

       After a day at home to get over the stomach virus, we headed to Oklahoma for my brother's graduation. He graduated high school which made me feel like an old lady. I know I am not, but he is 10 years younger than me so I have always thought of him as my little baby brother that I would babysit and play momma to.

       He graduated on Friday night and we had a little celebration with our close family afterwards. I don't get to see them enough! I am so proud of my brother and so excited to see what he accomplishes during his college years and beyond. I know "uncle red" will be a great role model for Abram!

Our visit was very surreal. My parents live 5 minutes away from where the huge tornado hit, and my uncle's house was 1/4 mile away. On top of that, my aunt's sister was a teacher in Plaza Towers. She got a group of students into a closet and held the door shut while the tornado hovered above them. We drove around to look at the damage and I honestly cannot believe how destroyed the schools and a few other buildings were. It didn't really hit home until I saw people just getting to their houses to search for their belongings that survived. They were wearing gloves and climbing on top of the rubble. 

       I love blogging and reading blogs about home decor, crafts, and diy. When I came back to my house with all of the furnishings in their "place" and saw these blogs I love showing off their homes; it reinforced that all this stuff is just stuff. It can be taken in an instant! Please continue to pray for those hit in the tornado.

       Sunday we headed to church with the fam. The church happened to be the #1 recovery center for the tornado, and my mom had been volunteering as families came in the first day to search for loved ones, get a warm meal, and a place to sleep. Their message was "I heart this city"...it was wonderful! It wasn't the perfect visit (somehow we gave 11 family members the stomach virus on Sunday), but it was good to be in a place I once called home and see how everyone comes together. I love my family!

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Mother's Day Weekend

Our Mother's Day weekend was a busy one. I think I prefer to be busy deep inside. Part of me gets so stressed, but the other part of me hates sitting around feeling bored so I create work for myself.

Friday, I was a vendor at a fundraiser for our local firemen to go to a competition in Ireland. Before I could attend that event, I had to get the decor ready for our friend's baby shower that took place, on Saturday. Of course there were kinks that I forgot to work out ahead of time, so Saturday we were running around like crazy. Procrastination is not at easy with a baby, but I happen to have one of the best husbands in the world. He ran around to multiple stores to find the white flowers I requested, which apparently were a hot commodity the day before Mother's Day.

Finally my decorating was finished and looked great! I forgot to take pics myself, so I had to rely on others...typical. It was a nautical theme so I had a great time making things, and dressing a little beachy too.

Sunday, I woke up to two smiling boys holding a card. Nothing is better than my baby's smile with those 4 teeth. He looks like a little rabbit! "Abram" had written the best little message for me and got me a paint sprayer...best.gift.ever! Look out, I just may walk around spraying things with paint now that I can! We went to church afterwards and Abram got to show his scooting moves for the pretty 9 month old in the cry room with us.Then we did brunch at one of our favorite cafes, and headed to the nearby board walk. It was Abram's first time to be that close to boats and the ocean. We are so excited to bring him to the beach next week!

How was your mother's day?

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It's a Traveler's Life for Me...

       Monday night, as we were brushing our teeth, Matt moaned and made the comment about how he feels like we are living like travelers...always on the go. For him to say this must mean we need to slow down. I am usually the one who wants to take it easy, while he always wants to do stuff...or he will get bored and fall asleep (unlike our son). Luckily, we will be home for at least a couple weekends.

       So what have we been up to!? Well, for Easter we traveled to Matt's parents...the day after the ER visit...with Abram still sick and REALLY not sleeping. We gave him and Bijou their baskets before we left. 

We got Bijou some Fugly Friends (They are so cute!) and some treats in her eggs. 

 Abram got a train toy, teething stuff, solid food gear, hats for summer, a football, and I handed down my first Bible (which was a Christmas present from my mom)

 He was actually excited about his Easter basket!

       Matt's dad was throwing a Persian New Year Party on Easter, so we celebrated Easter at church that morning and then changed into our New Year picnic party gear. Unfortunately, Abram felt bad and it rained so we were only at the picnic a couple hours. The next day he was feeling good enough to take a stroll on the farm This is the farm Matt grew up on, and the farmhouse his grandad was born in...lots of history here!

Our first Easter together 

Three generations 

       We got back home the following Monday evening and left on Friday morning to head to Dallas, to meet my family for the Color Run....it was a blast!

Too cool to run...or maybe too scared!

      Abram had not slept all week, so I was exhausted! Matt took all the night shifts that weekend. We met my mom's side of the family to do the run we had been planning since Thanksgiving. A fairly new addition to our plan was my uncle's name on our arms, along with Psalm 118:17. He is currently fighting cancer, so our run was for him. Just in case you don't know the verse, Psalm 118:17, "I shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the Lord." We are praying for God to heal Troy, and I would very much appreciate your prayers for the same. :)

       Anyway, all of the younger ones were babysat by my grandparents while we ran. In a couple of years I am sure they will have a blast together. Nothing is more important than your health and family! Oh and by the way, Abram is now sleeping around 5-6 hours this week. Praise God!

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Our easter weekend...to be continued

       It turns out that what I though was a bad case of teething, was. Abram is now sporting 2 pearly whites, front and center, on the bottom row. But while I was thinking he was whiny because he could not handle the teething pain; another issue was hiding in the teething symptoms.

       Our easter weekend began with days of crankiness and problems hitting their peak on Friday night, with a 104 degree fever. Don't babies always get sick on Friday nights? That temperature was a little too high for our liking so he got a dose of Tylenol, a cool rag on his head, and it was off to the ER.

       They decided to run a ton of tests to rule out infections. For the record, the Memorial Hermann hospital near our house has an amazing ER that always gives us a pleasant experience considering the circumstances. After getting a catheter, nose swabbed, blood drawn, x-ray, and an IV everything came back clear and they ruled it as a virus...treated with tylenol.

       Although the fever was gone by the next morning, it was a weekend of ups and downs. Our pediatrician saw him yesterday and diagnosed him with the stomach flu virus which explains everything! I am hoping we are on the tail end of this and he will feel better soon. The happier part of our weekend coming next...

What a difference a night makes...

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Liebster Award

Thanks to my new blog "friend", Angie at keithandangiepope for nominating me for this awesome award!  I love your blog, so I was honored to be given this by you! This is so fun....

The Rules:
1.  Each blogger should post 11 random facts about themselves.
2.  Answer the questions the tagger has set for you, and then create 11 new questions for the bloggers your pass the award to next.
3.  Choose new bloggers (with less than 200 followers) to pass the award to and link them in your post.
4.  Go back to their page and tell than about the award.
5.  No tag backs. 

11 Random Facts about myself;

1.  I am slightly OCD…First of all I HAVE to have my burt bee’s on and a glass of water by the bed or I CANNOT go to sleep. Oh how I wish it just ended there…I have a couple design degrees, right? So, I cannot stand when I picture is out of line or if something is angled when others are not {a group of stools}…I also HAVE to have one of each color m&m/skittle/bite sized candy on each side of my mouth to even it out when chewing. I will go crazy if not and will bite that one color left in half and then proceed to split it on each side.
2.  I guess this continues with the fact above, but if you are talking to me and I am staring at you funny like I am concentrating, or looking around the room…it is because I am comparing a color/print you have on to others in the room while I try to decide which combination I like best…but I swear I am still listening! ;) I have actually been called out by my close family and friends while doing it.
3.  I LOVE to run! I could do it every day if I had time and the right weather. I started running, though, when the doctor told me I had to lower my cholesterol in high school. I wasn’t over-weight, just on Accutane (twice) for my horrible skin…it worked…the running, not the Accutane.
4.  I am still scared of the dark and do not watch scary movies. I think the last one I saw was The Ring or something at the beginning of college. When I started living alone, I just couldn’t take my overly active imagination all hyped up on movies. I get my thrills from watching Bones. Ha!
5.  I have Flintstone feet. Yes, I have short, fat toes and wide, flat feet. Attractive, I know. My husband’s feet are the complete opposite and he teases me all the time…but I just say they have character. He always freaks when he thinks Abram’s toes look a little short. Thanks hunny!
6.  My first job was at a Cajun restaurant where old, Cajuns frequented to dance all night long to the live Cajun band. It was awesome and hilarious…and I cannot Cajun dance to save my life because I am not Cajun…sometimes made for an awkward evening.
7.  I have a pretty extensive rock collection from way back when I wanted to be a geologist.
8.  When I was young, I didn't want to hurt any of my stuffed animal’s feelings so I had to be fair and if I slept with one, I had to let them all sleep with me. Yes, I was surrounded and yes that explains why my dog sleeps in bed with us.
9.  I love working in my flower beds. Being outside, digging in the dirt with no other thoughts is so relaxing. I hate wearing gloves though...I just dig my hands into the dirt without a care in the world. When I arrive at the Garden Center I get a rush of excitement that cannot be topped by shopping for clothes or shoes. I wish I could live in a tree house surrounded by flowers.
10.  I have been drawing floor plans since I was in second grade. I never understood how someone couldn't tell what they meant.
11.  In elementary school I wrote a series of books based on the main character, Karen. She would go on all sorts adventures and no I don’t know why I named her Karen.
11 questions from Angie:
1. What's your favorite holiday and why?
Thanksgiving for sure. My extended family only gets together for one holiday…this one. I   HATE having to miss it! The pumpkin pie and gravy just tops off all the goodness.
2. What would you do with 10 million dollars?
Geez…should I be all sweet and giving, or selfish? Well first I would give some of the money to a bully breed rescue to help out all the homeless pups. That would take care of the giving part…then I would get a big car to be able to take our dog with us comfortably…and build my dream house. Take a few vacations, start my children’s décor line I’ve been dreaming about. Invest…let’s face it we are a Dave Ramsey house. I would NEVER clean a bathroom again!

3. If you could only shop at one store for baby clothes, what store would it be?
Man, this is tough. I love Gap, but h&m and Old Navy are more on my budget level.

4. If you could visit one city in the world just for a day, which one would you visit?
Cinque Terre, Italy. I have been there before and loved it. I would also love to go somewhere I haven't been, but going back here WITH the hubby would be amaze!
5. What's your dream job?
To own my own business. Now, if I could just figure out what it would be. Currently, I would LOVE to design nursery/children’s furniture and décor. 
6.  If your husband/significant other could nominate you for a 'senior superlative'-- you know, those things you voted for in High School, i.e. 'Best Dressed', 'Best Eyes', 'Most Likely to Succeed' etc, what do you think they'd pick?
Most stressed ha! No, he actually did call me something, "Nice Nikki".
7. Most addicting/Favorite Phone app?
When I get stressed I play Sudoku. I also LOVE the pic apps…I have like 50.
8. Which food/drink do you always have in the house?
Cranberry Pomegranate juice.
9. What do you love most about parenting?
I love that {most of the time} when Abram sees me walk into the room, he gets happy. I love that I know how to get him to sleep. I love his gummy smile and seeing him learn something new every day. 
10. You are stranded on a deserted island with 5 people. Which 5 would you want there and why?
This one could get me into trouble. My closest fam & friends read this! I'll just say, you know who you are! ;)
11. What's your favorite thing about blogging? 
I started blogging to get things off my mind and document my life for all of my friends and family  in other states to read. I love to go back and see what I was thinking or what was going on at  one point and seeing how it turned out. I also love all of the people I have come in contact with from blogging.
My questions for the next folks:
1. What would you consider to be your biggest achievement in life so far?
2. What is your favorite childhood memory?
3. What is your favorite thing to do with your child/family?
4. What would you consider your decorating style?
5. What is your go to beauty product? 
6. What were you doing right before you wrote this post?

7. What would you choose to do if you had a day off just to relax?
8. If calories didn't matter, what would you choose to eat?
9. Do you dance when you go to weddings?
10. What motivates you when you are feeling lazy?
11. What's your favorite flower?
And the bloggers I nominate are:
Marianne and Alex at Love Me Bright
Brooke at My Little Happies
Jenny at That girl with sparkly heels
Brooke at days-to-never-forgete Below

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Rodeo Season Y'all!

       I promise we are still alive! The past two weeks have felt like the holiday season; complete with all 3 of us getting sick {did you know moms don't get sick days?}, a ball, crawfish boils, birthdays, and the rodeo. We have gotten to go to the Houston Rodeo twice this year! Matt and I saw Toby Keith and the whole fam saw Dierks Bentley. What other 4 month old has cowboy style while at one of the biggest rodeos, watching an amazing singer?

I have a lot to catch up on...guess who turns 4 months tomorrow!? 

Holy moly! 

       I also have a lot of projects in the works and being typed up so check back soon. For now, I will leave you with this cuteness...I about exploded with cute, cowbaby overload!

       Yes, those are sock boots, a baby belt buckle, and "my hero" collared shirt onesie. My word, how can you resist?!

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