Our easter weekend...to be continued

       It turns out that what I though was a bad case of teething, was. Abram is now sporting 2 pearly whites, front and center, on the bottom row. But while I was thinking he was whiny because he could not handle the teething pain; another issue was hiding in the teething symptoms.

       Our easter weekend began with days of crankiness and problems hitting their peak on Friday night, with a 104 degree fever. Don't babies always get sick on Friday nights? That temperature was a little too high for our liking so he got a dose of Tylenol, a cool rag on his head, and it was off to the ER.

       They decided to run a ton of tests to rule out infections. For the record, the Memorial Hermann hospital near our house has an amazing ER that always gives us a pleasant experience considering the circumstances. After getting a catheter, nose swabbed, blood drawn, x-ray, and an IV everything came back clear and they ruled it as a virus...treated with tylenol.

       Although the fever was gone by the next morning, it was a weekend of ups and downs. Our pediatrician saw him yesterday and diagnosed him with the stomach flu virus which explains everything! I am hoping we are on the tail end of this and he will feel better soon. The happier part of our weekend coming next...

What a difference a night makes...


It's a Traveler's Life for Me...


Teething, you suck!