Our Halloween/ Abram's 2nd B-day

The last two weeks have been a hectic, great time with a holiday, a wedding, a birthday, and Julip turning 3 months old the day of Halloween! For the sake of this post, let's start at the very beginning. Abram's birthday party was set for the day after Halloween months ago; due to our good friend getting married the weekend of his actual birthday.

I've never really decorated much for Halloween, so I figured I would make his party Monster/Halloween themed to have a good excuse to buy some more decorations and not stress out about trying to re-decorate. 
Halloween out take...check out instagram for the ONE good picture!
The night of Halloween we dressed him in his Wild Thing costume and headed to a friend's house for their annual cal de sac Halloween get-together. We each put out a bowl of candy, ordered pizza, and brought desserts. This year we played the Elsa drinking game which wasn't too bad considering we took our kids trick-or-treating for the majority of the time.
My parents came to help us, and my dad and Abram literally ran from door to door "tick or teating". Abram insisted on carrying his own bucket of candy. He was like a little boy! Tear... He kept up with all the older kids; running around all night long and digging through his candy.

The next morning he woke up to us preparing for his party, with my in-laws. We had Jambalaya, pigs in a blanket, mint-chocolate dipped marshmallows (Matt's request), cheese dip, candy, monster punch, regular and gluten-free devil's food cupcakes, and chocolate covered apples for favors. We set up some carnival games and fun jumps in the back yard. If you don't have a fun jump you should make it a Christmas gift to your kids and yourself; it saves us during almost every party/dinner/tailgate and is safer for the young-ins.  It all came together perfectly and everyone had a blast; costume or no costume. 

I don't think Abram stopped until he hit the pillow. We had some help opening Abram's gifts from some of our favorite little boys. They tore through every gift and Abram was so happy to see his favorite things; cars, balls, LSU, and elmo. Seriously, I have no clue where to put everything! That's more scary than Halloween! 

Oh and for the record, it took a full week for all of the black to get out of his nose...oh my.

A Very Mini Magnolia Christmas!


My Friday Five