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Taking In Texas | Part 1

        We are down to one last family weekend here in Texas. While moving is stressful and busy, we are making an effort to enjoy what our neighborhood and city have to offer before we're gone. I do some volunteering for a local children's shelter, Parks Youth Ranch. It is a fantastic privately funded shelter for homeless youth in the area. The kids there will touch your heart forever. A few weekends ago they hosted their 2nd Annual children's fishing tournament. They had tons of treats, bounce houses and games, and Matt and I took on the fishing tournament portion since he really wanted to do something for them before we left and loves to fish. It was a great way to get out and help, and my parents brought the our kids out to enjoy the ranch. Abram got to try his hand at fishing for the first time ever. I'm sure this will continue at the lake this summer, but it was fun to watch his excitement when he got to fish next to the big kids.

       During the week I try to take the kids running in the double stroller a couple times. It gives me chance to get some exercise while they get to relax. Our neighborhood has several playgrounds that we pass during my run and lately the weather has been nice enough to bring them to the playground. Abram is obsessed with slides and Julip loves to swing.

       We also got to say goodbye to a few close friends and family this past weekend with a laid back bbq, in the backyard. Even though it had been raining for days and the backyard was a swamp, we set up the bounce house with a tarp to give the kids a way to get out their energy. Julip was in hog heaven for her first bounce house experience...surrounded by tons of dirt-covered balls to chew on.

    We are trying to finish up some of the house stuff during the week to give us some time for one last Houston adventure this weekend. I want a zoo trip and Matt wants a boat trip...we will see who wins. Hope your weekend was amazing and your Monday only takes one cup of coffee!


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Over the years I have gone from welcoming the new year with a list of resolutions of what I want to do, to a few simple resolutions of the type of life I want to live. Change is always uncomfortable for me; heck, I think it is for most people. I once heard a saying from a friend, "when it comes to change in humans, slow is fast". For me that could not be more true, so while the idea of the first day of the new year being like a restart button and suddenly everything changes sounds great; in reality I know that these resolutions will be a commitment I strive for each day of the new year. Maybe by 2016 I will be one step closer to the person I want to be.

Balance and no expectations are my resolutions. After having Julip and going from a full-time working mom of 1 to a part-time work-at-home mom of 2, I am still dealing with a lot of change. There are days when it seems like I try to do too much and days when I feel like I dominate. I am striving for balance in raising my children and pursuing my design career. My worst fear would be to be spread so thin that I stop excelling at these items I feel so passionately about.

I still have my list of personal, family, and business goals but will not put unrealistic expectations on myself. I will also not limit myself; simply live each day for what it is and try my best.

2015 is already proving to be a year of tests and growth for me. Along with goals to grow Mini Magnolia Designs, my online design business, there is also a strong chance we will be moving to another state. We first found out about a possible move when I was still pregnant. Since then the locations and dates have changed, but the chance of a move is about 90%. To say that I'm nervous about moving away from the support of family and friends to a state up North, where it snows, is an understatement. 

After changing a lot about the current house we live in, the thought of another house to make my own both excites and exhausts me. I had already bought wallpaper and lights for house updates when we got the news, so I am anxiously holding onto them until we need to make our next house a "home". I would appreciate the prayers and will keep you updated on the progress of our move.

Before we leave I am finishing up a collaboration on the design of a small restaurant space. We start demo this week so I cant wait to share what's in the works! Happy 2015!


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Our Halloween/ Abram's 2nd B-day

The last two weeks have been a hectic, great time with a holiday, a wedding, a birthday, and Julip turning 3 months old the day of Halloween! For the sake of this post, let's start at the very beginning. Abram's birthday party was set for the day after Halloween months ago; due to our good friend getting married the weekend of his actual birthday.

I've never really decorated much for Halloween, so I figured I would make his party Monster/Halloween themed to have a good excuse to buy some more decorations and not stress out about trying to re-decorate. 
Halloween out take...check out instagram for the ONE good picture!
The night of Halloween we dressed him in his Wild Thing costume and headed to a friend's house for their annual cal de sac Halloween get-together. We each put out a bowl of candy, ordered pizza, and brought desserts. This year we played the Elsa drinking game which wasn't too bad considering we took our kids trick-or-treating for the majority of the time.
My parents came to help us, and my dad and Abram literally ran from door to door "tick or teating". Abram insisted on carrying his own bucket of candy. He was like a little boy! Tear... He kept up with all the older kids; running around all night long and digging through his candy.

The next morning he woke up to us preparing for his party, with my in-laws. We had Jambalaya, pigs in a blanket, mint-chocolate dipped marshmallows (Matt's request), cheese dip, candy, monster punch, regular and gluten-free devil's food cupcakes, and chocolate covered apples for favors. We set up some carnival games and fun jumps in the back yard. If you don't have a fun jump you should make it a Christmas gift to your kids and yourself; it saves us during almost every party/dinner/tailgate and is safer for the young-ins.  It all came together perfectly and everyone had a blast; costume or no costume. 

I don't think Abram stopped until he hit the pillow. We had some help opening Abram's gifts from some of our favorite little boys. They tore through every gift and Abram was so happy to see his favorite things; cars, balls, LSU, and elmo. Seriously, I have no clue where to put everything! That's more scary than Halloween! 

Oh and for the record, it took a full week for all of the black to get out of his nose...oh my.
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My Friday Five

I'm linking up with Darci and the gang again for 5 on Friday. I'm also going one step further and joining in on, "Oh Hey Friday". We have been busy in every facet of life lately. I cannot believe my baby boy will be TWO in about two weeks! Ahhh!

This made my week; we got Abram's school pictures and I just about died from the cuteness! We know the photographer so she made sure he was lookin' sharp ;). She was trying to get him to say "Julip". He just looks like a little man...with LOTS of hair.

I'm sure everyone is aware that October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, but did you also know that it is Adopt A Shelter Dog Month. This is a topic that is close to my heart. If you read back on my blog, you will see that before my human babies arrived I had several furry babies. Gable was my soul-dog. I got her from a breeder, and when she arrived she was filthy and had worms. She also appeared to have been emotionally abused. I worked with her for 5 years, and we shared an unbreakable bond. Then she ran from a friend that was babysitting her. I searched every shelter in Houston (all 5) every other day for over a month. I also became involved with the rescue community. It was then that my eyes were opened to reality. Only two Houston shelters even try to adopt out bully breeds, and even if your healthy dog arrives at a shelter, there is a three day hold before they may euthanize because of over-crowding, etc. Depressing I know. 

There is a happy side! 

Most dogs in shelters are incredible! Our last two have come from shelters, and both were already house trained, not sick, and had no emotional issues. They have seen the worst, so they will love you more than you will ever know! They are also all different temperaments  (playful, calm, cuddly) and breeds. Bijou is our hound that is a bit crazy at times; being only a little over 2. She loves our kids so much, and is Abram's bud and our protector.

The birthday party is coming along. I am trying not to panic... I get so nervous about throwing parties; it's not the decor or invites, it's the food! Cooking is something that takes a lot of mental prep for me, especially if it's for large numbers. Paint a mural...when can I start; cook...can I hire it out. For now, I'm doing the things I can do ahead of time so that I only HAVE to cook a few things. Plus, my in-laws are coming in and my mother-in-law does catering. ;)  I fully accept she is a better cook than me as long as she helps. We all have our strengths.

I figure if I put this next thing in writing it will make me not back out. After eight years of design school and a couple years in the field; I am starting my own children's design business. It is something I have thought about since I got pregnant, but I couldn't quit a paying design job for something that is no guarantee. Then, some crazy "meant-to-be" stuff happened (details coming soon), and I was able to go to working hourly from home for my job. That allows me to start my dream business (they don't compete). I'm working on getting my Mini Magnolia Designs website live and linking everything together. Follow along on the blog/facebook/instagram and be on the look-out because as soon as it goes live I will be giving away a custom room design! Anyone need an amazing Christmas gift? 

temporary logo

Speaking of designs; my daughter's "Make Believe" nursery is a finalist on Project Nursery's October Project of the Month. I couldn't be more honored to have my hard work recognized! Do me a favor and head on over to vote for the "Make Believe": http://projectnursery.com/2014/10/vote-october-room-finalists-2014/



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Forever on the Farm

       Growing up, my family moved regularly to follow my dad's job in the oil business. We never lived near my grandparents, so seeing them was always an exciting time usually intertwined with holidays and celebrations. Matt moved a few times as well, but they always returned to their family farm, in Louisiana. He spent his time after school working alongside his Grandpa on the farm, and has a strong connection with the land.

       When we met, I couldn't even imagine having that kind of history and roots to a place. His Grandpa's Grandpa built the Cajun farmhouse that still sits, nestled under the oaks today. His grandpa was born in, and died in that house. The trees that surround the house were planted by his Grandpa at the arrival of each grandchild; Matt can point and tell me which tree belongs to which person.

Sitting in his grandpa's favorite chair

       When everyone started to move away for work Matt's parents began discussing selling the farm; it was a lot for two people to care for as a secondary job. The sale went through weeks after Julip was born. Everything seemed to happen at once, and before we knew it we were having to make a quick trip to Louisiana to pick up the rest of Matt's memories. It wasn't the kind of goodbye trip we were hoping for with Julip only 3 weeks old and Abram fighting a fever and pink eye, but we made the best of it.

       I quickly contacted a friend who was just starting her photography business and asked if she could take some family pictures on the farm, as a surprise for Matt. There we sat as a family of four on a hot, humid August morning; trying our best not to look too sweaty and keep the kids in good spirits. It was Julip's first and last visit to the farm that will forever be deeply ingrained in her daddy's heart.


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Five on Friday | Our Week

       Today I'm linking up with Darci and some of her gals for 5 on Friday. Matt has been in Ohio all week {for the second week in a row} and just got back today, so TGIF! Having to take on the role of single mom is tough; props to all of you out there!

 I am attempting to do the Advocare 24 day challenge for the first time since becoming pregnant with Julip. It is much harder when you are not sleeping regularly, but I finished the cleanse portion Wednesday so now I'm cruising through the max phase. It has really helped us get in a routine for better eating habits again.

I have to join in on the pumpkin posts. I hated nuts when I was a kid, so pecan pie was out of the question. Anything pumpkin brings me back to sitting at my grandparent's house with my cousins, eating pumpkin pie with whipped cream, and scheming about what kind of trouble we can get into. Lesley Graham posted a pumpkin bread on her blog a while back; I enlisted Abram's help to make it this week {after my cleanse phase}. I used honey instead of the sugar so it didn't rise as much as hers. After I refine the recipe I will post a healthier version; just an excuse to keep making it ;). It is AMAZING and perfect for fall...you must try it! I'm totally wishing I was "allowed" to drink coffee right now so I could sit in my morning fog, sipping coffee and eating pumpkin bread on my hypothetical front porch...one can dream.

I am desperate to keep Abram entertained without the tv. Make no mistake, we watch our fair share, but I had a few extra canvases lying around from my etsy days. I put on some Halloween music and we worked together to make a work of art for the playroom. He loved it so much he moved on to trying to paint the walls! Ummm...no way mister. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.... ;) 

We are in full party planning mode for Abram's 2nd b-day. I love the invites; perfect for the terrible two's!

We had our 3rd annual pumpkin painting party with some neighborhood friends this week. My mom came to help with the kids so I could paint...HUGE help! I bought a small pumpkin so Abram could put his new-found painting skills to use. It looks like a colorful caterpillar to me and I have been so proud of it!

I hope your week went smoothly and quickly, and cheers {with my advocare spark} to the weekend! We plan on doing yard work, cleaning, and party prep...and there is talk of gumbo since it is now in the 60's at night. Crazy Cajuns.


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Happy Fall!

       I cannot believe it is already fall! We have been in zombie/crazy/bliss mode as we try and navigate through life with a newborn AND a toddler. I may have lost my mind when I thought that this would go smoothly-ish. 

      A couple of weeks ago Matt went out of town for an entire week {even over the weekend}. I honestly thought he would come home and I would be unconscious on the floor, with a toddler jumping on me. It was a tough week and we may have watched the movie "Cars" a few more times than I care to admit, but I made it through alive and even wrangled Abram to help me make brownies for us Matt when he got home.

       I am told it gets better and is even fun once they are a little older. That being said I do love both of my babies and life right now, and will even more once I am getting a full night of sleep. I am one of those people who knows I don't do well without sleep, but watching Abram smother Julip with kisses always brightens my day!

      We try not to bring JP anywhere crowded until she is vaccinated {1 more week...I keep having to remind myself}. It has also been deathly hot and humid, monsoon rainy, and mosquito infested here so we haven't been able to go outside...cabin fever. We mainly enjoy football games and baby photo shoots during the games we are losing. It reminds me of why I love fall; it's not about the pumpkin spice latte's {not my favorite}. It's about football and weather I can go outside in after a HOT summer.

       Today, mother nature got the memo. There aren't beautiful colored leaves everywhere...it's Houston people...but the weather is about 5 degrees cooler and 80% less humid so I celebrated by taking Julip on her first run! She fell asleep for 2 hours!! RECORD nap... 

       It gave me time to work on Abram's 2nd b-day party decor; we are throwing a Halloween/monster themed party the day after Halloween. I don't have a lot of Halloween decor because before I was a parent I was never that into it, but this party is giving me a reason to stock up...even if the old women in Micheal's called it evil and gave me the stink eye as I pushed my 6 week old through the aisle of witch hats and trick or treat signs. :/ Don't worry I hate anything scary so this is a happy, candy-filled, festive party.

Happy 1st day of fall and yay for me for managing to get this post up with 30 minutes to spare!

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Daily life week 6 & Summer Plans

This past weekend we played catch up and spent most of our time in the nursery or folding laundry. We did manage to get to our neighborhood pool for an hour, on Sunday. It's a kid's pool with a small slide; Abram was obsessed and after the 6th time down and us carrying him around while he lifted his feet in the water like he was on a ride, we called it quits. Sorry if Abram is in every pic this week...he is sort of my world.

It is officially the point in the summer where the heat and humidity are so high that my hair stays up and we only go outside when the sun is low, or we can get in the water. I have been trying my hardest to take advantage before it gets to the point of deathly hot; the kind that makes you sweat at night and the water doesn't even sooth you. It should be showing up about a month before baby girl "pixie" arrives. You will then find me parked inside with my feet up and a snow cone in hand.

We have also reached the point in toddlerhood where Abram has so much energy that his toys don't entertain him. He gets grouchy when sitting around the house for too long. We are trying to start planning at least one big activity a day during our weekends. There will be regular pool days scheduled and I'm trying to think of some things we can get for the backyard to entertain him and keep him cool. I'm also on the hunt for creative indoor activities that we can do for the second half of the summer. I would love to hear games, activities, and projects you have done with your kids; feel free to leave your tips and tricks in the comments or email me!

Having a child who is starting to understand the world around him has made me appreciate and want to celebrate each season that comes our way.

Here is our summer to-do list so far...it is pretty packed already:

  • Get snow cones {Abram's first}...fun fact: my mom owned a snow cone stand when I was younger. I took the orders and made change, AND made the kid's snow cone menu with my own flavor creations.
  • Go to the zoo
  • Visit San Antonio
  • Swim A LOT
  • Make homemade ice cream
  • Celebrate our birthdays and anniversary
  • Visit the Kemah board walk
  • Go out on the boat
  • Finish the nursery
  • Sparklers for the 4th
  • Head to Louisiana to visit
  • Welcome our baby girl!
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Family Beach Vacation Recap

We got home from our trip to Gulf Shores on Sunday evening which gave me just enough time to unpack, do our laundry, and pile it on the living room chairs. Needless to say I was very unprepared for the work week, but it was totally worth it to spend an entire WEEK at the beach. How do you even summarize a week of amazing into one post?!

Have you ever had one of those vacations that was your saving grace from complete breakdown? That was this vacation for me! I tend to be a list maker and put way too much on my plate. On top of working full-time, being a parent to a toddler, and being 6.5 months pregnant I have also gotten sick so many times this pregnancy. I'm sure it is from the combination of everything, but this trip saved my mind and body from a potential collapse. Seriously.

Not to mention that we live for the water, and when we were in Louisiana we spent as many weekends as possible on the boat or at the beach. Now, it rarely happens, but it is something that gets us back in touch with the world. We got to Gulf Shores on Saturday night, along with a couple of our friends' families. Think 4 children under 4. It actually went along well without too many meltdowns which in our books is a win! 

28 weeks pregnant with our girl! Only day I was brave enough for a bikini...

Sunday through Wednesday went a little something like this: Our day started around 7:30 with the ritual of the morning mad-dash to the beach; coffee, breakfast for all, changing into our suits and lathering up, packing the beach bags with snacks and other supplies, and then making our way down. I don't think we ever got there before 11 am even with all of our efforts, but we got really good at preparing to stay all day. We set up two canopies for shade for the kids...and the pregnant lady. We also got a blow up pool and filled it with a very small amount of water so they could stay cool playing with toys without us worrying about waves, etc. Under our tents, food was never sparse and there was a continuous flow of our version of beach tunes playing. We basically set up camp and I pretty much stayed parked in my beach chair, feet buried in the sand, for the majority of the week. 

Abram is a certified beach baby. We went on the trip worried; remembering last year when he was terrified of all water, even baths. I put him in the sand and he instantly dove in and rolled around. He rarely had anything else but a handful of sand in his hands. He looked around and took in every morsel of the beach; the birds, the waves crashing on the shore, and he literally ate almost every grain of sand. After filling up his pail and dumping it out about 20 times he would inevitably crawl into my lap {covered in sand} for some kisses and gold fish. By the time the tenth gold fish was dipped in the sand and eaten I decided it was time for an ocean break to clean both of us off. He never even gave one look of fear with the water. He was at complete peace in our arms and enjoyed the rocking waves. By the end of the day, or by the time we were sick of feeling like sand paper, we would head to the pool. Again our little fish was fearless and would jump to us from the side over and over. Last year's swim lessons paid off ;).

There are some days that I know God made this kid JUST for me...it's like he gets me ;)

Thursday it rained so we made it into a shopping day, also known as, walking around to lots of boutiques and then realizing that cute summer clothes aren't in the cards for me this year... so we got ice cream instead.
Friday was our last day. We met some Louisiana friends to ride around the bay on their pontoon boat. We were dodging rain pockets all day, but there was plenty of places to stop for food and drinks while we waited them out. It was Abram's first boat ride and it took a few minutes for him to get his sea legs. Once we started he was in awe; he just kept saying "whoa". He absolutely loved it and when he got tired, the boat's vibrations and white noise would put him right to sleep.

Captain Sina and Abram for his first ride. Both sporting the LSU attire... we did it just for Sina :)

We did make it out to eat one night of the week. Lulu's is a must for any family visiting Gulf Shores. They have good drinks and a live band, and for the young kids they have sand and water to play in. A change of clothes is a good idea; within 5 minutes they were soaked!

Saturday we headed to Lafayette to stay the night. We made a pit stop at an antique shop in Alabama first, and then one more stop to visit Aunt Layla, in New Orleans. I used to visit New Orleans a few times a year, but we hadn't been since before I got pregnant the first time. It was a quick visit. Just enough to see the horses pulling the carriages, look at some beautiful art, listen to the brass bands, and enjoy a Cajun/Creole dinner. When your waiter asks, "what would you like dawlin'?" you know you are in New Orleans. 

Playing soccer at the family farm

This week we are back to reality and feeling refreshed, and only slightly depressed that it all had to end. Now that my batteries have been recharged I am ready to tackle our projects that we need to finish before baby. 11 more weeks!


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Under the Weather and Daily Life Pics

I fully intended on writing a post about kids and art, then real life struck and I got a stomach bug on Friday. I was couch ridden ALL weekend and into Monday. I missed a few celebrations with friends, working on the nursery and house stuff {that desperately needed to be done}, spending time with my baby boy, and felt sick every time I would sit down to write. That's just life... I know most moms understand when I say I do not have time to get sick!! Plus, Abram has ANOTHER sinus infection and has been having blow-outs all weekend because of his medicine. {poor Matt}

Luckily, we just have to stick it out until next week's family beach vacation. It will be very much needed, but their is still lots of packing and pep talks needed to get myself ready to be 6.5 months preggo on the beach...with two thin, non-pregnant, able to drink friends.

Hope your week is grand!

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Sugar and Spice and Everything Nice

Ever since I found out we were having a girl I have had mixed emotions. I keep hearing, "perfect, now you have one of each!" and "girls are so fun and you can buy them so many cute clothes!", but I all can think of is me as a teenager. I was a good kid, but I know I was difficult.

I may come back to this post in a couple of years and laugh; probably like some mothers of girls are laughing as they read it now. 

Truth is, I wanted a boy first; having Abram was a relief. To me, having a boy first is sort of like getting my feet wet before I dive in. Don't get me wrong, I know boys have their own issues, but they seem just a little bit simpler. Now having a girl seems so foreign to me. Yes, I am so excited about connecting with her and having our mother/daughter "girl" time, but will I be able to give her the confidence she needs in life?

My mom was a HUGE force in my life. Honestly, if it wasn't for her I probably wouldn't be here today. I was a good mixture of girl and dirt, was extremely creative, had good grades, and was very involved in school activities. I also had bad acne, braces, drank, and took diet pills in high school to try and be as skinny as the other girls. I remember being teased by some, just as others probably remember being teased by me. Then I think about the addition of social media and what that would have been like and it makes me want to take my daughter to an island for her teen years and home school her. Adolescence is tough on young ladies. Puberty, peer pressure, sex, body image...I went through it all and this time I will have to be the one to guide my daughter. Can I do it? 

The notion of "mean girls" appears to have gotten worse today than even a few years ago. About a year ago, I was running and saw some elementary school girls following and teasing me. My first thought was to turn around and start chasing them to see what they would do {it would have been great}, but my second thought was that I am an adult and could this really be happening!? They were so young yet I was slightly scared of them!

I have seen so many women who think snark and bitchiness is a good quality. I know that no mother wants to teach their daughter that, but we all do things we are not proud of when we think they are not looking...they are. I would like for my daughter to have a big heart and a sense of humbleness, and to know that she doesn't need snark to get by. I hope I can show my daughter the power of being nice to others. There is power in that...being kind. 

Our boy {left} and our girl {right}

I cannot imagine how the personalities will differ from boy to girl, inherently. Abram is all about balls, sticks, and as soon as Matt lays down he runs to tackle him. I am very used to this life. He saw a barbie at the party we went to last weekend and grabbed it and started waving it like a sword. He had no clue what it was good for. 

Matt's coworkers have told him, "Boys break bones and replaceable objects, girls break your soul". Ummm...not sure I can take that lightly. Abram is a strong willed boy, but having a strong willed girl may be on another level. Plus, our family has a rich history of a very strong willed second child so if that is true we are in trouble! 

None the less, I hope she and Abram grow close and can be there for each other when one of them needs help and guidance. I have prayed for good character in my children. Yes, I could say the specific personalities I wish they would have, but that wouldn't make them that way. Instead, I hope they find what they love and never stop doing it. I hope they enjoy life, and do everything with a sense of pride and humbleness. I hope they lead by example, not by being bossy. Most of all I hope Matt and I can manage to raise them without too many bumps and bruises; I am sure we are in for a wild ride! Happy Mother's Day to all of you wonderful moms and a very happy one to my mom!!


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Darlin' You're the Mint to my Julep...

Can you believe I have never had a mint julep!? I have also never been to a Kentucky Derby Party...until this past weekend. 

When I got the invite I jumped at the chance to make a big, over-the-top, annoying hat. I grabbed my beach hat I got on sale, for $5, at Target last year, put a ribbon around it so that I could glue as many flowers as I want without ruining the hat, and perused the floral aisle of Hobby Lobby for an HOUR! Hobby Lobby is so draining...

 my hard work paid off...it even had a bird!

The party was so fun and I seriously have some creative friends. There were adult only mint julep cupcakes, a horse shoe cake, and tons of food and betting. Here are a few party pics...

For the rest of the weekend we set up our gazebo and Abram's big boy bed...wish us luck! I also took some time to relax since last week I had to go to the hospital for dehydration...nothing serious...I just apparently need a ton of water when I am pregnant {flashback to 2 years ago}. No pics were taken this time; Matt was too busy chasing around Abram and picking up fruit off the floor. 

I am continuing to take my picture a day even if my life seems monotonous to others, the pics mean so much to me! Have a great week!

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Daily Life Pics and Headboard for Grabs...on the side of the road

We have been in full baby prep mode over here. Yes, I know I am only 24 weeks but my nesting phase is much stronger this time around. I suspect it's because I am working and really can't get much done during the week. I have also had a lot harder time getting nursery inspiration for this little chick. Last time I had a lot of stuff that I pulled from other areas of the house, but with this one I am pretty much starting from scratch. My anxiety level got so bad that Matt met me at a fabric store last night to look for inspiration {hence the day-late post}.
Part of bringing another human into the world comes the task of clearing out a room for them. Luckily our house is big enough. When we moved in we had enough bedrooms for the amount of kids we want, not because we are great planners like that, but because a two-story house was cheaper than the smaller, one story houses we were looking at...have I told you we are slightly frugal?  I have tried not to fill the rooms too much, but I have filled the closets with storage stuff and the rooms became a collection of the projects and crafts I did in college. Saying goodbye to those things has made me a little bummed. I know they are things, but some are models and boards I spent countless sleepless nights on...and one thing I am really dragging my heels with is my upholstered headboard. 

When I first moved on my own, in college, I decided I wanted a chartreuse headboard to go with my dark purple/brown walls. I still love that room and headboard to this day. I figured out how to make it before the days of pinterest. I used the wrong type of thread to pull the buttons tight, I didn't have a staple gun to upholster so I bent finishing nails to hold down the fabric, and I didn't cut the mdf to make it lighter; I just used the whole monstrous piece. It was totally a "work with what ya got" moment and after 2 moves {both with sets of stairs}, and Matt and his brother breaking their back carrying the mdf and getting stabbed by the nails and cussing me out, I must say good bye to my rigged headboard. Matt is jumping for joy, but I might just spend one more night sleeping against the soft padding. Just a representation of my life and emotional state at the moment...I used to be a project badass, today I'm just a round, blubbering fool.  ;)
I would say come pick it up if you want it, but your husband might hunt me down.
Good thing I have my little man to distract me. Daily Life: A pic a day- Week 2

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Easter Recap & Week 1 of "A Pic A Day"

       Easter weekend was a blast! My brother came in from college and I haven't gotten to spend Easter with my family in two years, so it was great to spend the whole weekend with them. Saturday my dad ordered 60 lbs. of crawfish and we hung out together while we boiled them all afternoon. It was nice to relax with amazing weather while Abram played in his bounce house. In the evening we had an Easter egg hunt for the kids. It was my first one to put together as a mommy so I had a lot of fun watching them run around with excitement in their faces. Abram was thrilled to find them, then either shouted "ball" and chunked it or shook it and pried it open to spill  the candy.

 About to hunt eggs

Hanging with the sibs 

       Sunday we went to church, then went home to see what the Easter bunny brought. After he went through his Easter loot we colored with the crayons he got and laid down for a nap. My mom made her traditional ham and green bean casserole and strawberry crepes. I have NEVER had a better crepe...probably just as much nostalgia as deliciousness, but strawberries at this time of year hit the spot!

       My parents babysat while Matt and I worked on cleaning our black hole of a garage for a few hours, then we topped off the weekend with homemade crawfish pasta made from left over crawfish from the boil. I just needed someone to roll me to bed to make the weekend completely successful ;).

    On another note; I was sick of seeing all of the blurry/grainy pictures my expensive camera was taking because of the low light in our house, so I bought a 35mm lens to see if it would make a difference {it has so far}...now I am challenging myself to take a pic a day for 50 days. I'm loving trying to capture the smaller moments in life. Here is week 1:

One of my favorite pictures of him EVER! This is one of his toddler personalies captured perfectly...

xo, Nikki

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5 Months!

Total weight gain this month: +16 pounds...not looking good this time around

Maternity clothes? I've bought a few more bands to wear around my pants. Last time I was able to wear my pants with those bands up until the day I walked into the delivery room. This time, I am already struggling to get my pants all the way up. Please tell me this is a girl pregnancy thing...I'm getting super nervous...and I need work clothes so bad!
Stretch marks? Not yet, but my ankles might get some at this rate :/
Sleep: I am so busy that I don't stop until I hit the pillow, then I sleep like a...teenager
Best moment this month: Seeing our girl on the ultrasound and confirming that we did not hear it wrong! So surreal...
Miss Anything? Sushi and my clothes
Movement:Right around 20 weeks I FINALLY started feeling her. It was way behind when I felt our first, but I am telling myself it is because she is a girl. 
Food cravings: Salad almost every day and the chocolate milk craving is back this time! I also LOVE strawberry milk...
Anything making you queasy or sick:  Not really
Have you started to show yet: Everything about me is swollen and pregnant looking...there is no hiding it now. 
Gender prediction: IT'S A GIRL!!!
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out?  In
Wedding rings on or off?  On
Happy or Moody most of the time: I have had anxiety attacks almost daily. I never really did with Abram. It has gotten so bad that when I drive I imagine car crashes and tense up every time I change lanes or go through an intersection. We are working on getting this under control because I can't take it. I am hoping it is some sort of maternal protection instinct and not my car wreck from July causing some sort of delayed anxiety. Aggravating...

Looking forward to:  Getting the nursery closer to finished and Easter!

This weekend was all about organization and celebrating Spring. When we weren't trying to get things in order we were playing with Abram and going to our neighborhood spring fling.

He loves to throw the ball back and forth

He has also started to climb on the ottoman and try to stand...joy

Of course he got a boo boo. Not from climbing or throwing, but from slipping on his spilled smoothie juice with the straw in his mouth. He was still all smiles.

He LOVES to play with water in the buckets

Walking around the spring fling festival

I got to give him his very first popsicle...many more to come!

He no longer likes swings, but he loves to slide! I could stare at that beautiful smile all day...pure joy

...and got brave and went head first

We ended the day with his first fit when he had to leave the fun...he was charging back in this pic.
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Toddler Mealtime Struggles

When we first started solid foods I was sure I could make my child not be a picky eater. Matt and I will eat almost anything. I followed everyone's advice; I made my own baby food to control what was in it, started with the veggies, and didn't allow juices or many artificial sugars until after one. I was in full control of the situation and he ate everything I served him.

Then I got a job and had to send him to daycare. They all laughed at/with me because I would not allow sugary snacks and would pack something separate for him. I mean I wasn't totally unreasonable if there was a celebration or something, but I just figured if he couldn't ask for it why give it to him?

Soon after he turned one his "divaness" started and he would demand food right away and then spit it out all over his highchair. The funny thing is this food was nothing new...he loved it last week. It started with veggies and has progressed through the food pyramid to some of his favorite fruits.

A couple weeks ago the thought of mealtime would have me breaking down. I desperately started googling it and apparently it is quite common. He is just starting to assert himself and his independence {duh mom}. I have read so many articles that give great tips. One that I found particularly helpful was this one, by Dr. Sears. The best thing it did was help me to relax and realize that this is a phase.

I have started switching up where he eats and what he eats on/with. I also offer a few options on his plate {some I am not sure about and some he usually eats} so that he doesn't think I am catering to him, but can choose what he wants. Another HUGE trick that I am all about because it has worked so well is dips. One random Saturday morning he would not eat his blueberry waffle...a WAFFLE people! I thought **** if he won't eat a waffle I will never get him to eat anything today!! Enter strawberry yogurt as a dip and it became the most delicious meal in the world. Another great way to sneak some nutrition in him is smoothies. They are like gold around here. I have also become less of a food control freak. I mean I really really want him to eat healthy, but if one night he eats one bite of chicken and an entire bowl of mac-n-cheese I just have be thankful he ate and try again the next night.

This parenting thing is a learning curve...
What are some great tips you have for getting toddlers to eat a balanced meal...or even eat at all sometimes?
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Slow Down My Little Magnolia

My baby boy is growing too fast. He got moved to the next class up in daycare this week. I sat at my work computer watching the monitor as they brought him in for the first time, and I {not him} just cried like a baby. He is the kind of kid who stands back and observes for the first 15 minutes and then dives in. For that 15 minutes every motherly worry came to me; will the other kids play with him, will he handle the change well, are the teachers nice, etc...  It was the first time I wasn't physically present for a big transition and I didn't want him to have to go through it without me. 
He fit in perfectly, but I think another reason for my tears is because he is just growing so fast. I anticipated his arrival so much and felt so connected with him before he was born. Then he arrived and turned our world upside-down; we really weren't prepared and it was tough at first! 
Now, it has been amazing! 
I prayed for a child with character and he has it! His personality is perfectly quirky, sweet, and adventurous. We just have so much fun laughing at and playing with him and I know this, like the baby phase in the past, won't last long...it is killing me. I find myself looking back at his pictures with tears in my eyes...probably in part to being pregnant and emotional. ;) For a while he no longer needed me to rock him to sleep and I thought that was a big accomplishment. Now he lets me...I think it is because he knows I need it more than him. I don't want to see his fat wrist crease fade away so I just stare and try to smell him up while I rock.
Before I got pregnant this time around a friend joked that he was getting his teeth so fast so he could grow up and make room for a sibling. It hasn't been long since that comment and now #2 is on her way {full steam ahead...half way today} and we are ordering a big boy bed for #1. Everyone tells you it passes quickly, but you don't believe it. I pray that his little sister learns from him and has the same awesome character that he does, but with her own twist. I know he will be a fantastic big brother and I hope I can handle another child growing way too fast. Bear with me over the next 5 months; they are bound to get a little emotional.
xo, Nikki
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Architecture Bootcamp

Built like a boot camp to learn architecture struggles, this design/build studio last 5 days a week from 8-5:30 in the record setting temperatures in the school shop. Everyone started very excited about this process and getting in the shop to work. Now on week 6, the excitement is starting to wear off and the signs of weakness are setting into our body's. When you are not used to physical labor like this your body can take a beating and get weak, letting sickness come easily. Another problem is getting over heated, which happened to me yesterday when I lost my sight in my right eye for 20 minutes (turning my vision into a white spot) and making me very nauseous. Today I made sure to not only drink water, but also gatorade which helped a lot.

On the structural front, our building should be coming back from the city codes office any day now and then should be approved and ready to start building on site. The form work for the concrete went from being many pieces which frightened me, to nearly complete today. The inner cistern form work resembles two boats that we are thinking about sealing the holes and paddling in our pond. I should have pics of it all soon...I hope that it will all go together well. The steel is almost done for now and ready to be sent to the galvanizing plant.

Last weekend we had Matt's college roomate's wedding and we had company come in from Lafayette. Before the wedding we went wake boarding on the boat...as you can tell from the sunburn's in the wedding pics. This weekend we have a pub golf birthday party to go to on Friday and then off to Lafayette on Saturday to celebrate Matt's 25th birthday on Sunday. Here are some pics for you!


LSU Roomies

Our model of our structure (it has even changed since then)

Discussing the form work with my prof.

My surprise birthday lunch my studio classmates threw for me

Measure twice, cut once

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Where does the time go

I cannot believe it is already April! I have been super busy with school; in fact, my spring break consisted of no less than 12 hours a day of working on my design presentation (most of the time until 5 am) with two monitors running. I am now ready for a beach vaca., but unfortunately do not see that happening considering I have a two week break, then it is back to school for the rest of the summer to build a non-profit project we are currently designing for an elementary school in the area.

After Mardi Gras, I discovered the Houston equivalent which is the Houston Rodeo. It is def. not as crazy, but it is their big celebration and lasts 1 month. We won Keith Urban tickets and were invited to see another singer (cannot remember his name). It was a lot of fun and before the rodeo, Matt and I found this cool thrift shop called Texas Junk that has over 200 pairs of boots in a range of prices so we went and got some neat boots...mine were only 30!

In March, I also ran a 5k for the Houston SPCA to raise money for homeless animals in Houston. I started the run just to warm up for my 10k and to bring Gable for a nice run with other dogs around, but I ended up raising over $150 dollars. Gable had a blast, from the moment we got out of the car her tail was wagging and she was sniffing everything.

The next weekend was my 10k which I had been training for for over 2 months. The temperature dropped from the beautiful 70's to the 40-50's and it was rainy...so nice haha. Kristen bailed on the run bc of the crappy weather, but my mom still came into town to see me. Matt ran in the run with me and didn't train very much before (he had only gotten up to 4 miles). Luckily, the morning of the race the rain held off and I bundled up. It started off easy, but I got hot very fast and wished I hadn't bundled up because the scarf and jacket were so bulky and felt like dead weight bouncing on me with every step.

Matt and I stayed neck and neck and I sped up the last mile because I had saved all my energy and Matt stayed behind. Right before the finish line "someone" sprints past me telling me to come on and I realized that it was Matt who had sprinted until he past me to finish 1 SECOND BEFORE ME! After all my training I was soooo mad...I was sprinting and chasing him yelling NOOOOOO until I crossed. It felt so nice to finish and know that my training had paid off.

That next week was my horrid spring break and I took it easy with the running since my body was basically shutting down already because of no sleep and an unhealthy diet. I have since picked it back up and am starting to slowly train for that long-wanted half marathon.
That is pretty much the most exciting events of my life at the moment besides another full weekend of school work while Matt is in Lafayette with Gable. I have never realized how much I love having a dog around. I am missing Gable so much...I have no one to cuddle with...you would think I would be saying that about Matt, but I am used to not having him around. 

At the Houston Rodeo (Cannot see our boots)

Gable and I at the SPCA Run...it was at Bush Airport (hence the plane)

Matt and I at our 10k (Downtown, Houston)...beginning next to Louisiana street!

Making my way...trying not to look at the photographers

Crossing the line and yelling at Matt (Averaged b/w 10.5 and 11 minute miles)
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something to nibble on...

So I have now been in Houston for almost a month and am really busy, in probably the hardest architecture program I have been in as far as quantity of work goes.

When I left for Houston I was excited for a new adventure. But, to repeat what I have been saying the past few weeks, "I miss LSU so much!" I never thought I would ever say that. I also miss my job more than anything! 

Houston is quite different from Louisiana. It is like desperate housewives, and everyone has a lawn guy that they want us to use. I feel like I am being watched and cannot do anything wrong. There are cameras at almost every light and to change your matchy match house, you have to take paint samples to the HOA people! I think I know what I am doing and it really ticks me off. No wonder no one does anything to their house. It took me an hour to find a kinko's because all of the buildings look alike!

I told my mom that I just want to take a big bucket of paint and throw it on everything! Not burnt red or beige! You know, color can be risky and not always work like you planned, but at least in the end you can say you took a risk. I guess to some extent Sugar Land did by making everything match and look exactly the same, and in my opinion they failed miserably.

On that note, I am still trying to figure out the character of Houston. Besides interstates, there has got to be something other than money that makes people enjoy living here. In class today we talked about the spirit of a city...the places I have lived in Louisiana are full of spirit. That makes me think how big can a city be and still keep its own spirit? With all the suburbs of Houston, it almost takes on too much and loses itself. Anyway enough about that.

I have posted some pics from the past couple of weeks...enjoy and please keep me in mind with IKE because yet again I might be traveling back and forth to Louisiana during a hurricane.

Dinner with the friends in Lafayette before leaving..miss you Derrick!


The bride at her bachelorette party

The girls about to go to Tsunami, in Baton Rouge

Gustav evacuation traffic...we found a side road...haha

but we still got stuck in it...eight hours later we were home


Baton Rouge was too hot after a week of no electricity following Gustav so we had some visitors over the weekend and took them out...the band loved the LSU hat. No more triscuits and beef jerky for breakfast anymore Sina! Baton Rouge got hit pretty bad and LSU lost a lot of trees...


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