Daily life week 6 & Summer Plans

This past weekend we played catch up and spent most of our time in the nursery or folding laundry. We did manage to get to our neighborhood pool for an hour, on Sunday. It's a kid's pool with a small slide; Abram was obsessed and after the 6th time down and us carrying him around while he lifted his feet in the water like he was on a ride, we called it quits. Sorry if Abram is in every pic this week...he is sort of my world.

It is officially the point in the summer where the heat and humidity are so high that my hair stays up and we only go outside when the sun is low, or we can get in the water. I have been trying my hardest to take advantage before it gets to the point of deathly hot; the kind that makes you sweat at night and the water doesn't even sooth you. It should be showing up about a month before baby girl "pixie" arrives. You will then find me parked inside with my feet up and a snow cone in hand.

We have also reached the point in toddlerhood where Abram has so much energy that his toys don't entertain him. He gets grouchy when sitting around the house for too long. We are trying to start planning at least one big activity a day during our weekends. There will be regular pool days scheduled and I'm trying to think of some things we can get for the backyard to entertain him and keep him cool. I'm also on the hunt for creative indoor activities that we can do for the second half of the summer. I would love to hear games, activities, and projects you have done with your kids; feel free to leave your tips and tricks in the comments or email me!

Having a child who is starting to understand the world around him has made me appreciate and want to celebrate each season that comes our way.

Here is our summer to-do list so far...it is pretty packed already:

  • Get snow cones {Abram's first}...fun fact: my mom owned a snow cone stand when I was younger. I took the orders and made change, AND made the kid's snow cone menu with my own flavor creations.
  • Go to the zoo
  • Visit San Antonio
  • Swim A LOT
  • Make homemade ice cream
  • Celebrate our birthdays and anniversary
  • Visit the Kemah board walk
  • Go out on the boat
  • Finish the nursery
  • Sparklers for the 4th
  • Head to Louisiana to visit
  • Welcome our baby girl!

Father's Day Weekend & Nursery Update


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