Can I be Business Savvy?

First of all, I just got done re-doing the look of my know new year, new blog so let me know what you think and if it looks good on your computer screen.

Onto the blog...I came to the realization yesterday that I am working so hard to find a job and just getting side jobs while waiting to try and become an architect...a profession where there are no jobs right now and the highest starting salary would be $40,000 (after 8 years of school and busting ass).

So, I have recently started to look in other areas of design to see if there is business potential. Problem is that architecture students learn NOTHING about owning a business in school (even though many do own their own firm). I would still like to pursue the architecture route since I have dedicated so much time to it and becoming an architect is what I always thought I wanted. BUT, I am trying to decide between a few of my own business options to feel like my life is going somewhere and I am not just waiting for something better. I am not sure what I want and what would succeed, but they are in the general area of:

Increasing my art/painting market/inventory/sales
Furniture Re-design/re-finishing/arting it up
Designing/decor of houses, shops, and restaurants
Creating my own decor to sale...inspired by my parent's classmate who was an Interior Designer.

You see, they are all related, but hmmmm which one should I choose. I am currently trying to do 3 of the 4 and it is a little bit confusing. Not sure how to start up some of these things or how to sell some. Advice/tips/suggestions?...Does anyone even read this blog? I once read that blogs are a great way to survey and see what people are wanting at the current time and to survey what could potentially be my "target market" come on and speak up!

For now I am being kept to-do list:

Finish a few paintings for people who bought them
Finish a couple paintings that were started a while ago, never finished, and never put for sale
Finish helping with the design of a Lafayette restaurant
Finish helping with the design of a Houston restaurant
Finish some home redo's and post the d.i.y tutorials on this blog
Re-finish some purchased and old furniture and post the d.i.y tutorials
AND fly to meet my mom to help her begin on a new big adventure (hopefully)...that is right, Norman is in for a REAL treat soon...she is looking to change the face of what you currently know as a stylish event!

Crappy phone photo sneak peak of a one tutorial:

Matt and I went to Barnes and Noble to get Dave Ramsey's Entreleadership book (we love him). Matt was so pumped up because I was ready to read about business..."You are hot and I gotta strike while the iron is hot!"...I am hot, why thank you! ;) As interested as I am in starting a business, these books were grabbing my attention...typical!


Anyone Want a Puppy?


The Current Artist of my Eye