Guess that Gender!

       We just finished our day of anatomy scan, hospital tour, and doctor's appointment. We gave them the card to circle boy or girl and seal in the envelope. The ultrasound tech was 99.9% sure it is what she we wait until Saturday. :)

       The baby measured a few days ahead (of course), but the due date will stay November 9th. It already weighs 15 ounces; one more to go until it's at a pound! It's heart rate was 144 and everything looking perfect with no markers for anything. I am hoping from here on out it is smooth sailing for us!

       The tech was good at keeping the gender under wraps; we both have no clue what it is. We were given two cd's: one with the ultrasound pictures (like the profile and "goods") that we cannot look at until Saturday and the other has a few 4d images of the face on it. The baby was quite the little mover and kept it's hands by it's face most of the time so it was hard to get a good pic. I am the kind of person who peeks at my Christmas gifts so this may be difficult. Here are the 4d images to tide us over...without further adieu here is baby Tag's face..half way done!

Let the guessing begin!



We are having a....!


Half Way There!