My Blog Commitment...

I have a lot of things on my plate right now...

       I am currently trying to find a "real person" job again...but while I do that {and just in case it doesn't fall from the heavens}...I am blogging, selling Rodan + Fields, starting a 24 Day Challenge {more about that later}, scheming about my dream career, painting paintings for the random people that want one every now and then, re-doing my house, re-finishing furniture for myself and others, and oh ya there is the small responsibility of raising my smiley, little boy!

      Part of me tells myself to start knocking things off my plate so I can be better at each, but I am doing each of those because they are all my passion at the moment.  Matt reads a ton of books {his night stand is starting to look like a library stack and I can't stand it}, and in one they said that if you dedicate your whole life to one thing alone {and identify yourself through it}, with no balance, whenever that "thing" changes or falls through, you can go through a major identity crisis.

That would be me....

       I was in design school for 8 years! 8 years people! I could be a freakin' doctor, but instead I am in an unstable field in a shaky economy! I am now realizing that the dreams that got me through school do not have to stay the same throughout my life. Dreams Evolve! So I'm continuing to figure out my next dream...

      I will always love design...ALWAYS! I am always thinking creatively, and Matt sometimes hates that. This brings me to my blog commitment...I have 2 chairs I got for $10 before I got pregnant. They have been sitting in my garage the whole time. My bff and I challenged each other to refinish a piece of furniture by the 15th of April. I'm pretty sure she did 2 pieces by then {with 2 kids}. I was able to clean up the chairs, then company came over and they were moved to the garage where they have sat for a week. I also have a bathroom wall to finish detailing.

One of her beautiful pieces

Lord help me!

       I started it almost 2 years ago and it is not finished. Honestly, I sort of want to redo the whole idea now, but Matt would chase me down the street with a wooden spoon if I did that!  So my blog commitment is to finish the bathroom and most of the chairs {besides the upholstered seat if it gives me trouble} within the next 2 weeks!

 My beautiful before stinks

Hold me accountable people! Man, just typing that makes me nervous.

I'm working smarter, not harder....


From pilot wings, to angel wings


D.I.Y. Dipped Barstool