Weekend Project: Easter Garland

I love holidays and my mom always had a way to make them feel special. It wasn't necessarily the decor that she did; it was the activities that created the memories. The only holiday I really decorate full-out for is Christmas, but I like to put up a few things for the others that can be stored easily. I had NO easter stuff that wasn't a hand-me-down from my mom's "don't want" pile so I decided to whip up a couple quick and easy garlands to hang over the baskets this year. Who wouldn't love some yellow chicks and fluffy bunny tails for Easter!?

I'm not a fru-fru person so I wanted to keep it simple with these, and although I love paper garland, I have worked with them a bit on the photoshoots I used to design the backdrops for and they were sooo difficult to manage when not hanging up....enter the pom poms and foam shapes...so much easier.

I made these while Abram was napping and when he came downstairs he quickly pointed and said, "Balls" {his favorite}, then he sat there admiring them for a few minutes and it made the little bit of effort I put into making these worth it. He is the critic/admirer I care about the most.


  • Pack of any color {or mixed color} pom pom balls- got mine from Hobby Lobby
  • Foam shapes- You can either make your own or buy them from a store- I got these chicks from the  dollar section of Target, but have seen them at Hobby Lobby too
  • Some type of string- I used twine because I had it laying around, but any slim string will do
  • Scissors
  • A sewing needle with a hole large enough for your string
  • Hot glue if you feel like securing the pieces in their place
Approximate time to make both: 1-3 hours
For my target chicks garland: First, I poked Holes in the shapes with the scissors. I wanted the hole small and this was the easiest way. Then, I threaded the twine through the holes and spaced them until they looked good. DONE

For my "Peter Cotton Tail" garland: I threaded my twine through the needle, sat in my favorite living room chair, and just started poking it through each pom pom until the bag was empty...it was my most "old lady" moment in awhile and I sort of loved it! Then just space as far apart as you want and DONE!

If you feel like either garland has too much piece movement {or to store later}, just put some hot glue on each piece after they are spaced to secure.

xo, Nikki


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