2 Years Ago...

        ...today...I married my best friend. I cannot believe it has already been two years, and now we have a baby on the way. My how quickly things change. Honestly, marriage to Matt is fairly easy for me. Yes we fight on occasion, but for the most part we are a team there to make each other's lives easier.  I hope this continues when we have children to care for. Our wedding took a year to plan (while I was in school) and was over in the blink of an eye...I am so glad we captured some of our favorite moments to remember forever.

       I would love to type a big love note for him on here, but our life right now is busy, awesome, and real which makes it hard to reminisce sometimes...I am enjoying the real at the moment. Hopefully we can slow things down soon and take it all in. This October we will have been a pair for 10 years...and it seems better than it did 10 years ago. 

 Homecoming 2002...our senior year of high school and first dance together

 Homecoming 2002
Top of The Rock- NYC-Summer 2007
 LSU Football 2007

Las Vegas 2008
 Galveston 2009- 5 minutes before proposing

       If there is one thing I can say about Matt it is that he is very generous, helpful, and understanding. He is always the friend to help out others...and he has the most patience out of anyone I know. He has a quiet (strong) confidence that I pray our son inherits from him.

Honeymoon in St.Lucia

First Anniversary- June 2011
New Orleans 2011

       I was really hoping to get Matt to feel the baby kick for our 2 year anniversary, and it has been kicking a lot this evening, but it is still too sporadic. Our consolation prize is a nice dinner this weekend, finding out the gender in 11 days, and hopefully a small babymoon to re-kindle and become an unstoppable pair before the baby comes.

How far along?  19 Weeks 3 days (in pic) taken at Table Rock Lake during our Hubbard family reunion
Total weight gain/loss: +10
Baby’s Size: Large Mango
Maternity clothes? Be Band and stretchy clothes
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: great
Best moment this week: Getting our new back door put in and working on the cabinets...am I weird?
Miss Anything?  Nope
Movement: yes, but less than the week before
Food cravings: sweets
Anything making you queasy or sick:  Nope
Have you started to show yet:  yes
Gender prediction: I honestly have no clue what it is…I am carrying higher, but I haven’t really widened…at least not yet
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out?  In
Wedding rings on or off?  On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy
Looking forward to:  Finding out the gender, our reveal bbq, and our anniversary dinner
       We worked hard the weekend before 19 weeks on cabinets, hardware, the new back door, fixed the toilet flusher, and fixed the a.c. I actually forgot I was pregnant for a short time because I was so busy. I have been feeling full a lot which makes me feel like I cannot breathe and I get occasional aches...guess I am growing. At 19 weeks, we flew out to Branson for our Hubbard family reunion/ Father's Day weekend. 



Half Way There!


18 Weeks