I'm a Pregnant Beast

       BUT...At least I am no longer itchy. I swear if I start itching this week I'm going to kick my own butt for writing that. At 35 weeks our little guy got to visit his first beer brewery! Have I mentioned we start young in Louisiana ;). 

Total weight gain/loss: +27
Maternity clothes? I’ve already written how I feel about them now and I’m not getting any smaller at this point
Stretch marks? No…so thankful
Sleep: I start to get uncomfortable at certain times
Best moment this week: Seeing our little guy on the ultrasound! 
Miss Anything?  Moving without discomfort and just having energy…I have been laying around all day long!
Movement: Sometimes he has dance parties all by himself in there…and sometimes it hurts
Food cravings: Food is give and take with me right now
Anything making you queasy or sick:  Sometimes my stomach just plain hurts
Have you started to show yet:  Apparently I have gotten big lately bc when Matt looks at my belly now his eyes get so big in amazement
Gender prediction: BOY! Proved it again with the ultrasound
Labor Signs: Nope
Belly Button in or out?  It started to pop out a little this week…oh well you held strong my friend
Wedding rings on or off?  On, but feeling a little tight
Happy or Moody most of the time: I am happy and tired haha
Looking forward to:  Getting my bags packed and seeing how the next few weeks go

       Monday was the first day of October {my favorite month}, the weather cooled, my feet were normal, and my rash was gone. I felt great! I had so much energy so I had a great workout and worked in the yard. I felt like myself and hoped it would continue. I was back on track! Then I got one of my first trimester headaches for the entire night so the next day all I wanted to do was sleep. Oh well! Oh and my ankles now make my shoes look small. Feel.Like.A.Beast.

       Thursday we had our last ultrasound. I would post pics like I had been, but he had his hands in his face the whole time so all we got were pics of his junk haha. At least it was more proof that he was a HE...which works out considering HIS nursery is 99.8% done! He was an estimated weight of 6.1 lbs and in the 72 percentile. He was moving a lot {of course} and had a good heart beat. We could even see him practicing breathing...crazy!

       For the first time ever Matt said he thinks this baby is going to come before his exam {38 weeks}. He thinks that my belly is so big that there is no way I can possibly grow any more...I have a feeling he will eat his words in 2 weeks when I am so large he can just roll me around the house.

       On Friday, I surprised Matt by taking him to Saint Arnold's Brewery, near Downtown Houston. I heard about it a couple weeks ago and thought it would be a good getaway from studying and a good thank you for putting up with me. Then I realized that we will have been together for 10 years this Wednesday, so it sort of turned into a celebration too. I was so scared he had already been. When we drove up he saw the name on the side of the building and said, "This is where we are going!?", with a huge smile. Score. I am a wife genius. 

       It was $7 a person for a souvenir glass, 4 beer tokens, and a tour. Since I obviously wasn't drinking they gave me a free glass and root beer for the night...oh the looks I got from people who obviously didn't know they served root beer. There were some regulars who bring pizza and cards and just hang out and drink for $7. Matt said it was one of the best, cheap man dates ever. I was happy to get cool wife points before the baby comes. 

       The happy hour ended at 5, so we found a fun place to eat instead of fighting the traffic. $5 for a mountain of nachos. Don't mind if we do. My favorite cupcake shop just so happened to be in the next building. I'm not even exaggerating when I tell you their gluten-free cupcakes {and of course their normal ones} are better than any cupcake I have had in my lifetime...and the shop is so cute! I was wondering why I gained a couple pounds this week then I wrote this post ha!



10 Years With My Darlin'


My Tired, Swollen 34 Week Post